[FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']And I do not see any reason for Al-Albānī’s divergence from the adherence to the principles of [/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']hadīth other than stubbornness and following his whim to refute such as these kinds of a[/FONT][FONT='TITUS Cyberbit Basic', 'serif'][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']h[/FONT][/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']ādīth. And here I am going to add in connection to this [/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']hadīth, his (i.e, Al-Albānī’s) refutation of himself and his following, based on what has been established regarding the acceptance of mursal reports, the conditions of which have been expounded upon in their proper places in his own refutation of Shaykh Ismā’īl Al-Ansārī, whereby he stated.....[/FONT] pdf available here: http://www.marifah.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=229&Itemid=55
[FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']And I do not see any reason for Al-Albānī’s divergence from the adherence to the principles of [/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']hadīth other than stubbornness and following his whim to refute such as these kinds of a[/FONT][FONT='TITUS Cyberbit Basic', 'serif'][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']h[/FONT][/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']ādīth. And here I am going to add in connection to this [/FONT][FONT='Arial', 'sans-serif']hadīth, his (i.e, Al-Albānī’s) refutation of himself and his following, based on what has been established regarding the acceptance of mursal reports, the conditions of which have been expounded upon in their proper places in his own refutation of Shaykh Ismā’īl Al-Ansārī, whereby he stated.....[/FONT] ...And My Death is a Great Good For You Shaykh Mahmud Mamduh