Some women are moving to using other terms altogether. I once listened to a TedTalk by a woman called Betsy Cairo, a reproductive biologist. It was titled Why I am not a feminist and was about women who reject the word feminism and shifting to 'Equalism' and calling themselves 'Equalists'. She says that using the term equalist "allows those who do not subscribe to a male or female gender binary to feel included" and "as a society we're trying really hard not to pigeonhole people, places, clothing, or even colour into this gender binary". (Tell me about it) She speaks about phasing out the world feminism because it feels "polarising" and doesn’t focus on equality which is what women want. Equalism, she says "is gender neutral and is very clear about what the goal is". (sounds like the same thing, recycled and repackaged)
Unfortunately feminism is everywhere. Tough to find a girl nowadays who is not a feminist. There is an organisation called Women against feminism. What they’re about: 1. They don't want what they call 'radical feminists' to tell them what they can or cannot do. 2. They don't want to be judged by other women. 3. They say they're not oppressed because they already feel equal to men.
Food wastage is a problem no doubt, people not cleaning up is also a problem, and so is the lack of knowledge regarding what reaches the deceased. The last issue can be clarified in a lecture in one's language of choice. The first two are logistical issues: any extra food can go to Muslims in need locally, or if none, it can go to the homeless, and for clean-up, the Masjid charges an amount to cover clean-up. If they're leaving pots for weeks and not cleaning, that indicates a broader problem that is beyond khatms. Do these problems lead a person to explicit kufr? No. Now let's talk about a problem that does. A problem that isn't going sufficiently addressed and those who do start talking about it get attacked viciously online. “Muslim feminists”, Tabarruj Merchants, & Gender Theory Feminists: I'm not referring to those whose focus are women's rights alone etc. I'm talking about those that are beginning to outright deny the authority men in their lives have over them. The sorts that regularly say “All men are trash.” yet live off their father's allowances. When married, they steamroll their husbands (while denying any authority they have over them or their obedience to him) and spit venom at women who stay home to raise their children. They are endemic and they're growing. Injected with critical race theory, these types spread falsehood that rejects ijmah because women didn't issue a particular ruling or start a maddhab. Some of their more extreme types are now uttering blasphememous statements about Prophets (recently Amina Wadud did so) and some of their politicians have come out with statements such as “My Allah is a she.” Many of them believe “Hijab is my choice.” as if to suggest they reject it being fard. Many explicitly reject it being fard. Tabarruj Merchants: some overlap with the feminists, but there are some differences. They use the fact that they wear hijab in order to make a fashion statement. They act as magnets for simps who toss validation and admiration their way in the comments. Any sort of suggestion to cover up and stop posting enticing photos is met with “brother maybe you should stop looking.” or “what are you, the Haram police?” Thousands of followers, sponsorship deals, and social media presence. The Tabarruj Merchants are feminist theory in practice. Gender theory: some individuals who claim to be Muslim are now “choosing their gender identity” and their “preferred pronouns”. They explicitly reject humans are male and female and instead affirm 100s of genders or none at all. Moreover, they reject what has been traditionally associated with the virtues of women (modesty, nurturing, gentleness) and virtues of men (strength, courage, protectiveness) and instead say this is all socially constructed and a man that wishes to be firm and resolute, strong and determined is expressing “toxic masculinity.” They and the Feminists oppose ghayrah. In addition, this leaves us the question, how do we articulate concepts like Rujulah, Futuwwah, and Muru'ah today in clear terms that are mindful of culture today? How do we articulate masculinity? When certain things are wrong with *some* khatms, the solution is to speak against it. However, I've been noticing increasingly that problems with a solution that requires research and critical analysis are often not given sufficient attention.