one of ten may grant salvation

Discussion in 'Hadith' started by abu Hasan, Sep 8, 2006.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    Narrated Ibrāhīm ibn al-Yáqūb al-Jawzjānī from Nuáym ibn Ĥammād from Sufyān ibn Úyaynah from Abū Zannād from Al-Aáraj from Abū Hurayrah rađiyAllāhu ánhu who reports from RasūlAllāh şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam that he said:

    Verily, you are in an age in which, if any of you forsook a tenth of what has been commanded, you shall perish; and then a time shall come in which if [a man] obeys a tenth of what has been commanded, he shall attain salvation. [innakum fī zamānin man taraka minkum úshra mā umira bihi halak; thumma ya’tī zamānun man ámila minkum bi-úshri mā umira bihi najā]

    Abū Ýīsa [at-Tirmidhī] said: ‘This is a Gharīb [Uncommon] narration and we do not know [such a report from] any other route except Nuáym ibn Ĥammād narrating from Sufyān ibn Úyaynah. This is [similar to that narrated] by Abū Dharr and Abū Saýīd.

    Sunan at-Tirmidhī, Ĥadīth 2274.

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