The comments that Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa is making regarding Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra is exactly what the majority of the Habaib say regarding her.
He seems to believe that most superior out of all companions is sayyidah faTimah رضي اللہ عنہا 1383291004858503169 is not a valid tweet id
I found the other video posted by Saeed Malik here disturbing too, the way he describes mi'raj. Listen to the ending part.
this is the first i have heard of this donkey called osi efa. from his talks he looks like a jahil mutlaq and a doubt planter just like mark hanson he doesn't seem to know basic 3aqidah and basic principles that we only ascertain whatever has been taught by the Prophet, 3alaihis salam, we don't work with guesswork and probabilities