i think he should just aim big and publish encyclopedic memoirs of all the 3aqidah, kalam, fiqh, tasawwuf, sarf, nahw, etc all content he learnt from Imame A3zdham radi Allahu 3anhu in his dreams for 20 years, for 10,000 pounds. he'd make a million quid with just a 100 buyers. (/sarcasm)
got it. http://sunniport.com/index.php?threads/lateral-thinking-and-niche-marketing.9515/#post-33822 you can buy padri's anti-terrorism fatwa here for 32 quid - http://www.fatwaonterrorism.com/fatwa-on-terrorism/extracts-from-the-fatwa/ if we extrapolate a little bit - 600 pg fatwa for 32 sterling pounds so a 900 pg curriculum would be on sale for 48 sterling pounds
You would be surprised how devious these prevent guys are, a few years ago a friend of mine was contacted by them asking him if he's interested in working with young offenders linked to gangs etc, he thought it was a good opportunity to help our Asian youths get out of gangs & violence and instead learn about islam etc. He was asked to bring someone else in with him on this task and he contacted me. We discussed it and it seemed like a good idea at the time, we were emailed some question forms etc and told we would be given some form of youth worker training. As I went through the application form and the questions on it I noticed it was less about gangs and more related to extremism. Questions like what would you do if you learned about a individual who plans a attack or is spreading anti government /anti western talk. What are your views on women wearing burka, would you ever take arms against this country or how would you deal with a community member who has such ideas. I obviously realised this was something completely different from working with young disenfranchised Asians so I just never filled out the forms and let them know I wasn't interested. A few months down the line I asked the friend about it all and he mentioned he had backed off since they were suggesting he basically go and spy on people in masjids, it was actually the dev centers they wanted to keep tabs on to see whats being propagated by them. He mentioned that they'd actually hinted he trim his tash right off so he blends in with them etc. He decided this wasn't what he wants to be involved in and told them to go away. But it highlights how devious these guys are in recruitment of individuals, and yes they offer a hefty salary to do their bidding and inevitably there are going to be people who are up for that sort of thing.
btw, that terrorism fatwa was actually a for profit venture by padri. he somehow thought it would be a bestseller. in some older post i had linked to the site that sells the fatwa.
900 page 'curriculum'? lol 600 page fatwa...900 page curriculum...what next? 1200 page question bank? and then perhaps a 'ghost'-written epitaph for padri, running into thousands of pages... they should quiz padri and some of his hangers-on. bet none of them will have read it.
I hope it is not just another copy and paste job-what young people really need is hands on discussions and acitvities that will tackle the issue. It just seems the penpushers will keep on doing what they do best and rake in the money using the central goverements prevent funding; everybody is at it and jumping on the badnwagon. Shafik Badalee of Ummah Channel has been talking about it for the last week non stop on social media, and speaks of his organisation Ramadan Foundation supporting it, but I wonder why; seems everyone is jumping on the prevent funding bandwagon even Qari Imam Asim of Leeds and as another user has explained the Quillam Foundation.
from the quilliam page so what is "conservatism" according to padri - praying 5 times a day, wearing niqab, fasting, keeping halal etc? he is a dajjal trying to carefully and subliminally program people into being fujjar and fussaq and slaves of kuffar. may Allah completely destroy tahir and his minions. o Allah, we beseech you in this holy month to annihilate this dajjal and his fitnah permanently. aameen.
http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/p...nitiative-to-prevent-islamist-radicalisation/ welcomed by quilliam...