pdf of Hizbul Bahr, Hizbun Nasr and Hizbul Azam with English transliteration

Discussion in 'Adhkar' started by Anonym, Nov 5, 2024.

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  1. Anonym

    Anonym New Member

    Yes, the one by Mulla Ali Qari. And I also needed a pdf of Hisn e Haseen by Imam Jazari and the Adhkaar by Imam Nawawi. But most of the pdfs I find online are by deobandi and salafi publishers.
  2. Ashari Matuiridi

    Ashari Matuiridi New Member

    Hizb Al Bahr with Arabic, English translation and transliteration:

    Hizb Al nasr(shadhili), with Arabic, English translation and transliteration.
    https://ia601403.us.archive.org/12/items/HizbulBahr1/Hizb al Nasr.pdf

    Which Hizb Al Azam are you looking for? Is it the one of Mulla Ali Qari?

    They are easily found with google searches.

    However the first two do require Ijazat from a sheikh or actually I am not certain about the second one.

    I recommend you read the Hizb from the copy of Muffarij Al kurub wa muffarihal qulib, by Imam Yusuf Al-Nabhani where he gives a general ijazat for anyone to read from

    Copy is here: https://archive.org/details/MufarrijAlKurubNabhani
  3. Anonym

    Anonym New Member

    Thanks for all the work. Do you have any pdf with English translation?
  4. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    Awrad and ahzab of Shadhili tariqah - https://archive.org/details/20210603_20210603_2243

    Of Qadri tariqah

    https://archive.org/details/alfouyoudat-alrabaniya/mode/1up (pg 63 of the file, has more or less the same Salate Ghawsiyah taught in many desi shuyukh's wazaif, that devbandis say is a Barelwi invention!)

    Can download another book from here- https://www.ebooksar.com/الأوراد-القادرية-pdf

    Some good downloads here too from Qadri tariqah - https://alkadriaalalia.com/catplay.php?catsmktba=80

    you can find most of the most popular awrad and ahzab and wazaif here. Sufficient to last a lifetime really.

    Some more good adhkar and Duas


    Sorry dunno much re books of awrad etc with English translations.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2024
  5. Anonym

    Anonym New Member

    Assalamu alaikum everyone. Does anyone have the pdf of Hizbun Bahr, Hizbun Nasr and Hizbul Azam (preferably with English transliteration)?

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