Qabr ki - Ziyarat or Zira'at?

Discussion in 'Bibliography' started by HASSAN, Aug 2, 2024.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    it is clear from the question itself that it should be zira'at.

    any dictionary will tell you that zira'at زراعت = kheyti karna

    in the question it is asked: 'masjid banana ya kheyti karna'

    to which alahazrat has replied zira'at karna

    besides, ziyarat cannot be used in this sentence thus: "qabron par masjid banana ya ziyarat waghayra karna haram"

    no one does "qabr par ziyarat" as in the sentence - it should be "qabr ki ziyarat".

    this and the fiqhi position of the imam concerning visiting graves (that it is permissible), and refutation of wahabi/devbandi opposition is well known.
    HASSAN likes this.

    HASSAN Well-Known Member

    In the different versions of Irfan e Shari'at, we see two different terms used.

    In the first question of Chapter 3 about praying Salah towards a grave, some editions use the term Ziyarat whilst others use Zira'at.

    In the old copy from, Ziyarat is used: Screenshot_2024-06-20-16-34-19-83_58f827c9f8cd1dffd850cad9571f3f22.jpg

    In the digitised edition from, Ziyarat is used:

    I found a really old copy on Rekhta which uses Zira'at: Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 20.31.42.png

    In other books which reference and quote this passage, Zira'at is used.

    In 'Imam Ahmad Raza awr Radd e Bid'at o Munkirat':
    Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 20.51.59.png

    In 'Bid'at key Khilaf Saw Fatwey':
    Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 20.54.57.png

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