Re: Radd al Rafida: Refutation of the Shia by Ala Hadrat onl Salam, has anybody translated this book into english? And if not, is anyone here got the time and knowledge of the language to do so?
Re: Radd al Rafida: Refutation of the Shia by Ala Hadrat onl Is this book in a downloadable format ? I dont think so, unless it is it cannot be added to the download section. may be someone can create a pdf or word doc out of the page scans , with permission from teh original webste - and then we can upload. inshaallah. else we can simply add the link to the Knowledgebase. btw - Br Asif you should be able upload anything to thr download database - go to the appropriate category and click on the uplaod button. wassalam, abu nibras
Re: Radd al Rafida: Refutation of the Shia by Ala Hadrat onl salam, jazakallaho khairan brother for posting this book. Kindly, add it in Downloads > Urdu Books.
Re: Radd al Rafida: Refutation of the Shia by Ala Hadrat onl I read one sentence a long time ago by our Master Imam Ahmed RaDa Khan :ra: as I recall and it really revealed the manner he dealth with them to me in much detail, subhanAllah just a single sentence my point here is that his words just confirmed what I was believed personally for a long time though it was totally based in tradition and in the line of tradition, the line of shari'ah and in no way something newly discovered on the 9th of Muharram joined in more than 10 million ithna 'ashri or ja'fari or twelver shi'as on the lane to Karbala also included wth them were hundreds of thousands of another non ja'faris I saw a huge gruop of Bohras (a type of Isma'ili shi'a sect...a long story on their own) converge on to the Maqam with full fledged Matam across theirs chests even the kids among them it was an amaizing site the point of this is also the idea of what it means to be shi'a in this new age from the words of Imam Ahmed RaDa Khan I get that the heretics and bid'atis and sectarians should be dealt with in a harsh way when it comes to their ills and must be rigorously shown their mistakes