saying of shaykh ahmad zarruq

Discussion in 'Tasawwuf / Adab / Akhlaq' started by Juwayni, Nov 26, 2019.

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  1. sherkhan

    sherkhan Veteran

    I would like to add Imam Najm al-Din Razi's "Mirṣād al-ʻibād min al-mabdāʼ ilāʼl-maʻād" to the list above. This book has been translated into Urdu and English.


    Imam Nablusi's "Tariqah al-Muhammadiyyah" and its sharH "al-Hadiqatu'n Nadiyyah" has recently been translated into Urdu by Dawat-e-Islami's Maktabat ul-Madina under the title "Islaah-e-Amaal" (only 1st volume has been published so far).
  2. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    1. ayyuha'l walad (imam ghazali)

    2. bidayatu'l hidayah (imam ghazali)

    3. kimiya e sa'adat (imam ghazali)

    4. minhaju'l abidin (imam ghazali)

    5. al-arbayin fi usuli'd din (imam ghazali)

    6. ghunyatu li Talibi (ghawth al-a'azam sayyiduna shaykh abdu'l Qadir jilani)

    7. al-fat'Hu'r rabbani (ghaws e a'azam)

    9. taj al-arus (ibn aTayillah as-sakandari)

    21. akhbaru'l akhyar of shah abdu'l Haq dihlawi (verily, in their stories are lessons for people of understanding)

    22. al-kabayir of imam dhahabi

    23. al-zawajir of al-haytami

    24. al-tazkirah of al-qurtubi

    25. gulistan and bustan of shaykh sa'adi

    27. bustanu'l arifin (of imam nawawi)

    28. al-uzlah of imam al-khattabi

    30. `uyubu'n nafs wa adwiyatuha (of abu abdu'r Rahman al-sullami)

    33. the rasayil of ibn abi'd dunya (makarimu'l akhlaq, al-samt, al-iytibar, al-war', al-tawadu', al-shukr, al-tawakkul, al-rida etc.)

    34. mukhtaSar shu'ab al-iman (qazwini from al-bayhaqi's shu`ab)

    35. aadab al-`ishrah of al-ghazzi and adabu's suhbah of sullami (as they are printed together and are short rasayil anyway - every muslim should read this)

    36. naSiHah of imam zarruq
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  3. abdarrashid

    abdarrashid Active Member

    brother also what books do you recommend for Islamic adaab and akhlaq?
    Also what books for Islamic manliness (how to become a rijal)?
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  4. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    in other words, how does one become so pure that Allah ta'ala invites in His paradise. indeed, only Allah ta'ala grants that to whom He Wills; and He has said that being a dutiful slave is one way to attain His Pleasure. and that is what a perfect-teacher (murshide-e-kamil) helps you achieve; he holds your hand when you falter and gives you light when you are in the dark.

    in the absence of such a teacher, these books give us light and teach us how to cleanse our filthy nafs. reading these books on your own is an alternative to reading it with a teacher.

    and if the flaws are corrected, it is hoped that the heart will find peace.

    Allah gives whom He Wills.

    by doing dhikr.

    and a very good book on this subject is miftaH al-falaH wa miSbaH al-arwaH fi dhikri'llah al-Karim al-FattaH by sayyidi ibn aTayillah as-sakandari.

    may Allah ta'ala give us guidance.
  5. abdarrashid

    abdarrashid Active Member

    i am grateful thankyou
    could i trouble you with names of the authors of the books where this is ommited.

    Also could you mention the course of action from some of the texts that you have read and the advice of your teachers, on how to achieve a nafs mutmaina, qalb and aqli saleem
    And how to become one of the dhakireen.

    Also the quote from shaykh zarruq (or is it another shaykh) about darud sharif is it authentic?
    Are there similar quotes about darud sharif from other shaykhs and could you share them ?

    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  6. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    taSawwuf is tazkiyah. and there are a number of beneficial books by imams and awliya. raDiyallahu `anhum.

    imam ghazali's books are lightsome. and so are books by imam as-sakandari. of course, terms are used to describe things but if we can read the following books and follow them faithfully, it can be hoped, in sha Allah that we are on the path to success - and only Allah ta'ala gives success.

    1. ayyuha'l walad (imam ghazali)

    2. bidayatu'l hidayah (imam ghazali)

    3. kimiya e sa'adat (imam ghazali)

    4. minhaju'l abidin (imam ghazali)

    5. al-arbayin fi usuli'd din (imam ghazali)

    6. ghunyatu li Talibi (ghawth al-a'azam sayyiduna shaykh abdu'l Qadir jilani)

    7. al-fat'Hu'r rabbani (ghaws e a'azam)

    8. futuH al-ghayb (ghaws e a'azam / with sharh of shaykh abdu'l Haq muhaddith dihlawi)

    9. taj al-arus (ibn aTayillah as-sakandari)

    10. iqazu'l himam fi sharhi'l Hikam (ibn ajibah)

    11. sharh al-Hikam (ibn `abbad al-rundi)

    12. sharH al-Hikam (ahmed zarruq) (arabic dars by habib umar based on sharnubi's sharH)

    13. awarifu'l ma'arif (shaykh shihabuddin umar as-suhrawardi) (arabic dars by habib umar)

    14. maraju'l baHrayn (shah abdu'l Haq muhaddith dihlawi; there is an urdu translation too titled - fiqh o tasawwuf; this is an abridgement of imam ahmed zarruq's qawayidu't taSawwuf with shah sahib's comments)

    15. kitabu'r riqaq in mishkat al-maSabiH (waliyuddin tabrizi) and its shuruH (mirqat of ali al-qari or if you seek urdu: mir'at of mufti aHmed yar khan, which consolidates mirqat of qari and ashi'atu'l lam'at of shah abdu'l Haq)

    16. maktubat imam rabbani (imam ahmed sirhindi/mujaddid e alf e sani)

    17. maktubat imam yaHya maneri (imam yaHya maneri)

    18. kashfu'l maHjub (data ganj bakhsh sayyid ali al-hajweri)

    19. fawayidu'l fuad (malfuzat of sayyidi nizamuddin maHbub e ilahi)

    20. saba'a sanabil of sayyid abdu'l waHid bilgrami (alahazrat's great-grandshaykh of whom he says: abd e waHid ke sabab jannat hai nam e bilgiram)

    21. akhbaru'l akhyar of shah abdu'l Haq dihlawi (verily, in their stories are lessons for people of understanding)

    22. al-kabayir of imam dhahabi

    23. al-zawajir of al-haytami

    24. al-tazkirah of al-qurtubi

    25. gulistan and bustan of shaykh sa'adi

    26. laTayif al-ma'arif of ibn rajab

    27. bustanu'l arifin (of imam nawawi)

    28. al-uzlah of imam al-khattabi

    29. risalah al-qushayriyyah (imam abdu'l karim al-qushayriy)

    30. `uyubu'n nafs wa adwiyatuha (of abu abdu'r Rahman al-sullami)

    31. al-takhwif mina'n nar (of ibn rajab)

    32. tariqah al-muhammadiyyah and its sharH al-Hadiqatu'n nadiyyah* (by sayyidi abdu'l Ghani an-nablusi)

    33. the rasayil of ibn abi'd dunya (makarimu'l akhlaq, al-samt, al-iytibar, al-war', al-tawadu', al-shukr, al-tawakkul, al-rida etc.)

    34. mukhtaSar shu'ab al-iman (qazwini from al-bayhaqi's shu`ab)

    35. aadab al-`ishrah of al-ghazzi and adabu's suhbah of sullami (as they are printed together and are short rasayil anyway - every muslim should read this)

    36. naSiHah of imam zarruq

    37. al-zahr al-fayiH (al-jaziry)

    38. al-tanwir fi isqati't tadbir of al-sakandari

    39. riyaDatu'n nafs (hakim tirmidhi)

    40. lawaqiH al-anwar (al-sha'arani)

    and we beseech Allah ta'ala to give us tawfiq and to have higher aspirations:

    1. iHya of imam ghazali

    2. it'Hafu's sadah al-muttaqin of imam murtaDa zabidi

    3. anwar al-qudsiyah of al-sha'arani

    4. al-muntakhab mina'z zuhdi wa'r raqayiq (khaTib baghdadi)

    5. al-ibriz min kalami sayyidi abd al-aziz (al-dabbagh)

    6. quT al-qulub of abu Talib al-makki (arabic dars by habib umar)

    7. al-zuhd (imam mu`afa ibn `imran)

    8. kitabu'z zuhd (imam abdullah ibn mubarak)

    9. al-zuhd of imam ahmed ibn Hanbal

    10. kitabu'z zuhd (imam abu dawud sajistani)

    11. kitabu'z zuhd al-kabir (imam bayhaqi)

    12. al-zuhd (imam waki'y ibn al-jarraH in 3 vols)

    13. aadabu'n nufus (imam haarith al-muHasibi)

    14. al-waSaya (imam haarith al-muHasibi)

    15. qawayidu't taSawwuf (ahmed zarruq)

    of course, there are many other books but i suppose we can look into them after we are done with these. wa billahi't tawfiq. (also note that i didn't include shaykh al-akbar's books for obvious reasons)

    Allah ta'ala knows best.

    *i have an incomplete copy i downloaded from hakikat kitabevi; if anybody has a good copy please link (other than the copy found at
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  7. Taalib-e-Ilm

    Taalib-e-Ilm Well-Known Member

    become an aalim, for only the ulema are truly god fearing, this is the first step and the greatest step you can take in purifying yourself.
  8. abdarrashid

    abdarrashid Active Member

    i was wondering if anyone knows, if shaykh ahmad zarruq said something to the effect that if a person has no shaykh then darud sharif is his shaykh, is this his qawl or another shaykhs?
    Could someone post the exact words?
    And references would be welcome.

    My second query was could you recommed any books on how to achieve nafs al mutmaina ,nafs al kamila, nafs al zakiyya, nafs al nuraniyyah, and qalbi salim, aqli salim

    i realise that d.i.y. tassuwuf is discouraged but nonetheless feel that a person needs to start somewhere.
    Also if anyone has heard or read something on the above , please do share with references if possible.

    I will be grateful

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