Sayings of Shaykh Asrar

Discussion in 'General Topics' started by Brother Barry, Jul 19, 2016.

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  1. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    'Sunni theologians have stipulated that blind conformity in creed is impermissible. Blind conformity in creed is the underlying cause of multiple ailments. One of those ailments is doubt in faith when confronting adversity. Blind conformity to one living individual without knowing for oneself and not being familiar with scholarly consensus leads to passive-aggressive behaviour, procrastination, stubborness, negativity, opposition, helplessness and in our age produces the conformist who does anything to be liked, avoids making waves and rarely says what he feels.'

    Shaykh Asrar Rashid
  2. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    'What clerics will not allow their own wives, sisters and daughters to do, they should not make their followers do.

    Like travelling long distances without mahram or asking money on the roads for their shaykhs charity.'
    Harris786 likes this.
  3. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    'It is about time people openly admit that Shaykh Ramadan Buti was correct to speak against the protests and revolution. It should not have taken thousands to have died and a baby's body to be washed upon the shore to admit the foresight of that great scholar who was misquoted and misinterpreted by many. Allah have mercy on the souls of the martyrs.' - Shaykh Asrar Rashid
    Ghulam Humza and Moriarty like this.
  4. Harris786

    Harris786 Veteran

    on the lighter side of things "BuD BuD Ding Dings" was hilarious from halifax talk. LoL.
  5. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    Learning is for those who don't know.

    THAT is the mentality, unfortunately.
    Ghulam Humza and Ridawi78692 like this.
  6. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    'If all our advanced students in UK taught a basic text once a week many things will change. A basic text like Tahawiya or Nur alIdah for the public. Instead everyone is busy with their dreams, miracles, group and money. Some will have girlfriends and talk of 'maslak' or sectarianism, but all their lives are material. Servants of Allah! Turn to knowledge for the sake of your future generations. At least attend a class once a week.'
    Ghulam Humza likes this.
  7. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    'It's a grass root problem with sunnis that for generation after generation - they don't want and are not willing to learn.'
    Ghulam Humza and Ridawi78692 like this.

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