Some narrations say Lady Ayishah Siddiqah passed away on 17 Ramadan. How exquisitely does #Alahazrat write four couplets in her praise: --- Bint e Siddiq ārām e jān e Nabiy Us harīm e barā'at pe lakhon salam Daughter of the truthful, solace to the life of the Prophet; Endless salutations upon that exonerated wife --- Yáni hai sūrah e nūr jin ki gawāh Un ki pur nūr sūrat pe lakhon salam That is, the one whose proof is the chapter of light; Endless salutations upon her radiant being Note: wordplay of sūrah e nūr (chapter 24 of the Quran) and pur nūr sūrat. The Arabic word, Sūrah is with a س and the Urdu word for being/countenance, sūrat is with a ص. --- Jin meiń rūhu'l qudus bey ijāzat nah jāyeń Un suradiq ki ísmat pe lakhon salam In which the angel Jibril won't enter without permission; Endless salutations upon that purified dwelling The grave of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was dug in the quarters of Sayyidah Ayishah رضي الله عنها which even the archangel Jibril wouldn't enter without permission. --- Sham'é tāban e kāshānah e ijtihād Mufti e chār millat pe lakhon salam The illuminated torch, abode of legal derivation; Endless salutations upon the mufti of the four eras Sayyidah Ayishah was a mujtahidah and issued rulings in the period of all four caliphs.