sayyiduna ali naming his children

Discussion in 'Tarikh' started by AbdalQadir, Nov 20, 2011.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    gg, when you made your first post in this thread, did you know the answer already?
  2. actually, there is none. none of first three khulafas children or their children's children were either name Ali or Hasan or Hussain.

    so what if someone says that since they did not name their children with ahl al-bayt names therefore they must have animosity towards them. that would be a pathetic argument wouldn't it?
  3. subhan Allah! brother can I ask an interesting question. can you please give us an example where the khulfa rashidin named their children with Ali? or even their childrens' children perhaps had names such as Ali or Hasan or Hussain? so we can prove that this naming was from both sides.
  4. sunnistudent

    sunnistudent Veteran

    The Shia scholar Al Shaikh al Mufid (d.413 A.H) writes in his book " Kitab al Irshad"

    باب ذكر أولاد أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وعددهم وأسمائهم ومختصر من أخبارهم فأولاد أمير المؤمنين صلوات الله عليه سبعة وعشرون ولدا ذكرا وأنثى: الحسن والحسين وزينب الكبرى وزينب الصغرى المكناة أم كلثوم، أمهم فاطمة البتول سيدة نساء العالمين بنت سيد المرسلين محمد خاتم النبيين صلى الله عليه وآله.
    ومحمد المكنى أبا القاسم، أمه خولة بنت جعفر بن قيس الحنفية.
    وعمر ورقية كانا توأمين، وأمهما أم حبيب بنت ربيعة.
    والعباس وجعفر وعثمان و عبد الله الشهداء مع أخيهم الحسين ابن علي صلوات الله عليه وعليهم بطف كربلاء، أمهم أم البنين بنت حزام بن خالد بن دارم.
    ومحمد الأصغر المكنى أبا بكر وعبيد الله الشهيدان مع أخيهما الحسين عليه السلام بالطف، أمهما ليلى بنت مسعود الدارمية.
    ويحيى أمه أسماء بنت عميس الخثعمية رضي الله عنها.
    وأم الحسن ورملة، أمهما أم سعيد بنت عروة بن مسعود الثقفي.
    ونفيسة وزينب الصغرى ورقية الصغرى وأم هاني وأم

    Hence it is clear that Sayyedina aaqa wa mawla Ali Karmaallahu wajahul kareem loved the other khalifa, that is why he named his children as Abu bAKR ( Kunniya), Umar and Uthman . ( Radiallahutala ajmaeen)

    The sahaba and the ahlulbayt loved each other.

    Here is the link to the shia book from a shia website

  5. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    mawlana zafar mahmood farashwi, a sincere sunni scholar from manchester, was on dm the other day. some shia, as they do, phoned in to question our 'aqida.

    mawlana said: look at what sayyidina ali radiyAllahu ta'ala anhu wa karramAllahu wajhahu'l kareem named his children - he mentioned at least two of the khulafa ar-rashideen and maybe even all three that preceded mawla ali radiyAllahu ta'ala anhu.

    is this a sign of having hatred for his predecessors?

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