poor translation. be very careful - the translator does not understand the text properly. he is a christian scholar and therefore forces everything through his prism of christianity. the translator has a poor grasp of islamic history, scholarly tradition and indeed, muslim theology itself.
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته Janaab @abu Hasan , would you happen to have these two in pdf? Thank you
English translation of Sharh al 'Aqaid... assalamu alaykum. For hose who cannote read Arabic, an English translation of Allama Taftazani's Sharh al Aqaid al Nasafi is available although difficult to get hold of. Here are the details:- A commentary on the creed of Islam : Sa'd al-Din al-Taftazani on the creed of Najm al-Din al-Nasafi / translated with an introduction and notes by Earl Edgar Elder [Columbia U.P.; Oxford U.P, 1950] Good university libraries (with good Islamic Studies/Middle Eastern studies departments) will have copies (eg Manchester Univ. in the UK has a copy which I have read parts of.) This aqaid book is notable especially for being used in the Dars e Nizami syllabus throughout the Subcontinent to this day and also in the South Asian Muslim diaspora.
Assalamu 'Alaikum Jazak Allah Bro. Sifar. You have done a great job. Your transliterations are brilliantly done. When I try to transliterate, one has to try to figure it out but your ones are easy. Wassalam
seventy a hyperbole i don't think imam riDa meant 'seventy' literally. it is a hyperbole to mean that none of the commentaries mention what the questioner has asked. it would sound naive to say that there are 70 commentaries of sharH al-`aqâyid and one has read them all. or probably a copy error might make seventeen to seventy. [satrah to sattar] Allâh knows best. --- Imām Nasafī - Najmuddīn Abū Ĥafş Úmar ibn Muĥammad an-Nasafī (d.538 AH) wrote a booklet named Al-Áqāyid explaining the creed of ahlus sunnah (as explained by the maturidi scholars) which is famously known as Al-Áqāyid an-Nasafiyyah. Imām Saáduddīn Masúūd ibn Úmar at-Taftāzānī (d.791 AH) wrote a commentary on this, which is known as Sharĥ al-Áqāyid. Imām Taftāzāni is among the high masters of this science: the usūl. His magnum opus is Sharĥ al-Maqāşid, regarding which Shaykh Khuđari Beg is reported to have said: sharĥ al-maqāşidi mā fī al-fanni masálatin min al-masāyil illā wa huwa ĥāwīhā fann al-kalāmī baĥrun wa huwā lujjatuhū yā ayyuha’l baĥru lā tuĥsā la-ālīhā sharĥ al-maqāşid is the book in which, there is no topic from the subject (of kalām) that it doesn’t cover. the science of kalām is an ocean, and this is its bank; O the ocean, there is no limit to the pearls it contains. --- Other known ĥawāshī, commentaries and marginalias on Imam Taftāzānī’s commentary as listed in Kashf az-Žunūn: Al-Mawlā Ramađān ibn Muĥammad in two volumes known as Al-Ĥāshiyatu Ramađān Āfandī. Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Muĥammad ibn al-Ghars al-Ĥanafī (d.932 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Aĥmed ibn Mūsā better known as Al-Khayālī (d.862 AH) Ĥāshiyah of ibn Abi’sh Sharīf al-Qudsī (d.903 AH) Ĥāshiyah of al-Mawlā Muşliĥuddīn Muşţafā al-Qasţallānī (d.901 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Şāliĥuddin Ĥāshiyah of al-Mawlā Álāuddīn Álī ibn Muĥammad (d.871) Ĥāshiyah of al-Mawlā Muĥammad ibn Mānyās (a scholar in the court of Sultan Murād ibn Sultan Muĥammad Khān) Ĥāshiyah of Şalāĥuddīn, the teacher of Sultan Bāyazīd ibn Muĥammad Khān. Ĥāshiyah of Állāmah Íşāmuddīn Ibrāhīm ibn Muĥammad ibn Arab-Shāh al-Isfarāyni (d.945 AH) Ĥāshiyah of al-Mawlā Ilyās ibn Ibrāhīm as-Sīnānī Ĥāshiyah of al-Mawlā Muĥammad ibn Íwađ Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Aĥmed ibn Ábdullāh al-Quraymī (d.943 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Kamāluddīn Ismāýīl al-Qirmānī; this being a marginalia on Al-Khayāli’s supercommentary mentioned earlier. Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Muĥiyuddin Muĥammad - a teacher of Sultan Bāyazid. Ĥāshiyah of Sinānuddīn Yūsuf al-Ĥamīdī (d.912 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Álāuddīn Áli al-Árabī (d.901 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Luţfullāh ibn Ilyās ar-Rūmī (d.930 AH); this being a marginalia on al-Khayālī’s supercommentary. Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Khiđr Shah ar-Rūmī al-Minshāwī (d.853 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Muĥiyyudin Muĥammad ibn Ibrāhīm an-Niksārī (901 AH) Ĥāshiyah of al-Qāđī Shihābuddīn Aĥmed ibn Yūsuf al-Ĥaşnakīfī as-Sanadī (d.895 AH) and he named it: Tuĥfatul Fawāyid li Sharĥ al-Áqāyid. Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Ĥakīm Shāh Muĥammad ibn Mubārak al-Qazwīnī (d. around 920 AH) Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Ramađān ibn Ábd al-Muĥsin known as al-Bihishti (d.979 AH); this being a marginalia on Al-Khayālī’s supercommentary. Ĥāshiyah of Shaykh Muĥammad ibn qĀsim al-Ghazzī al-Shafiýī ibn Ázzābīlī (d.917 AH); this being a marginalia on Al-Khayālī’s supercommentary. --- Other ĥawāshī on both Sharĥ al-Áqāyid and its supercommentary by Al-Khayālī are: Shaykh Ĥasan ibn Ĥusayn ibn Muĥammad, an egyptian school teacher. Shaykh Ismāýīl ibn Bālī Shaykh Muĥammad al-Maráshī known As-Sāqilī-Zādah (d.1150 AH) Shaykh Khwājah-Zādah Shaykh Ĥasan al-Libbī ibn al-Fannārī Shaykh Ízzuddīn Muĥammad ibn Abū Bakr ibn Jamāáh (d.819 AH) Mansūr aţ-Ţablāwī al-Shāfiýī: Maţlaá Budūr al-Fawāyid wa Manbaá Jawāhir al-Farāyid wherein he mentions the marginalias of: As-Subkī (not likely the Shāfiýī Imams, father and son), Ibn al-Árs, Al-Ghazzī, Al-Biqāýī, Shaykh al-Islām Zakariyyah al-Anşārī, Shaykh Nāşiruddīn al-Laqāni, Shaykh Badruddin al-Fayyūmī and his student Nūruddīn al-Bukhārī. Shaykh Aĥmed al-Barādaýī Ibrāhīm al-Laqānī al-Mişrī (d.1041 AH) and named it: Taálīq al-Farāyid álā Sharĥ al-Áqāyid. Mullā Ábdu’l Ĥakīm ibn Shamsuddīn Siyālkūţī al-Hindī (d.1067 AH) Állāmah Muĥammad ibn Ĥamzah ad-Dabbāgh known as Tafsīrī Afandī (d.1111 AH) Shaykh as-Sayyid Muĥammad ibn Ĥamīd al-Kafawī Shaykh Ábdullah ibn Muĥammad ibn Yūsuf al-Muqrī (d.1167 AH) Shaykh Shihābuddīn Aĥmed al-Áynī Shaykh Muĥammad ibn Aĥmed ibn Álī al-Buhūtī Shaykh Burhānuddīn Ibrāhīm ibn Úmar al-Biqāýī (d.885 AH) Shaykh Shamsuddīn Maĥmūd ibn Aĥmed al-Işfahāni (d.749 AH) Shaykh Jamāluddīn Maĥmūd ibn Aĥmed ibn masúūd al-Qawnawī al-Ĥanafī known as Ibn as-Sirāj (d.770 AH) Imām Shamsuddīn Abū Ábdullāh Muĥammad ibn Shaykh Zaynuddīn Abu’l Ádl Qāsim ađ-Đāfiýī Ibn Ĥazm al-Andalūsi (it might NOT be Ibn Ĥazm Al-Žāhirī because his time is prior to Imām Nasafī; Ibn Ĥazm died in 465 AH) Shaykh Badruddīn Muĥammad ibn Muĥammad ibn Khaţīb (d.893 AH) Mullāzādah Aĥmed ibn Úthmān al-Hirawī al-Khayrziyāni (d.900 AH) and he named it: Ĥall al-Máāqid fi Sharĥ al-Áqāýid Shaykh Áli ibn Aĥmed an-Najjāri which he named: Farāyid al-Qalāyid wa Ghurar al-Fawāyid Al-Qāđi Úmar ibn Muşţafā Karāmah at-Ţarābilsī rewrote the aqayid in verse in the year 1126 AH. ----
Assalamu 'Alaikum I read Imam Rida's Izharul Haqqul Jali some time ago. This is a book of questions and answers, a bit like the Malfuzaat (al-Malfuz). The question was about why Sharh 'Aqaid Nasafi (have I got the name right?) said a particular thing. The answer by Imam Rida blew me away. He said that he had read 70 (yes, 70!) of the commentaries of this book and had nowhere seen what the questioner was asking about! Allahu Akbar! Imam Rida had read the 70 commentaries which is amazing in itself, but then, he also remembered what they contained. 'Ilm-e-Ladunni, this certainly is. I also want to ask a few questions. Imam Nasafi wrote Sharh 'Aqaid, I think. So did Imam Taftazani, am I right? How many Sharh 'Aqaid's are there? Then Imam Rida mentioned 70 other Shurooh of this Sharh? Wassalam