Sharh Commentary of the famous hadith book Jami al Tirmidhi by Shaykh Zia ul Mustafa

Discussion in 'Hadith' started by Hanafi Sunni, Jul 28, 2021.

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  1. Hanafi Sunni

    Hanafi Sunni Veteran

    people often say, what work did Taajush Shariah and Muhadith e Kabeer do ?
    Huzoor Taajush shariah took the introduction of Maslake Alahazrat to another level in the Arab world, by translating ground breaking works of AALAHAZRAT such Al amnu wal ula, shumoolul islam,
    and like wise translated works of Alahazrat from arabic to urdu.
    Both Taajush shariah and muhadith e kabeer have done enormous work for the Ahlus Sunnah despite them having many many other duties and responsibilities such as taking care of their established darul ulooms, day night being surrounded by public (mureeds) invitations to varios programmes around the globe,

    Moulana Afthab translated the Shamaile tirmidhi as taught by Muhadith e kabeer, this book is the far best ive read on the shamail, it shows Huzoor Muhadithe kabeers deep insight and understanding of hadith, as compared to the one tranlated by Sidi abdul aziz suraqah and shaykh aslam,

    Just sitting in the company of these pious personalites one learns so much, People cry in their mehfils when they speak May Allah grant Allama sahab a long life, and may Allah exalt Huzoor Taajush shariahs heavenly status
  2. A sample of Sharah Jami al Tirmidhi by the Grand Muhaddith A'azam Allamah Mufti Zia ul Mustafa al Qadri may Allah Tabaarak wa Ta'ala protect him:

  3. Miraj Ahmad

    Miraj Ahmad New Member

    Although I strongly support Sidi Abu Hasan's position, I also agree with Sidi Suleiman. I have met young ulama of Desi extraction who have expressed their own concerns about their poor grasp of Urdu. A young scholar, quite popular in the west, once confided in me that he at times thought Urdu was a language more conducive to the study of Hanafi fiqh and he encouraged me to commit as much time to it as Arabic. May Allah grant this faqir the tawfiq to heed his advice.
  4. Bihamdillahi Tabaarak wa Ta'ala you have summed it up very well.
  5. Brother I agree lots of work needs to be done, problem is some people are stuck in Nazri masaail and the real learned 'ulemaa are too busy teaching and creating other 'ulemaa. They don't have enough time to write times are very tough.

    The other problem is lack of communication there are so many repeats of books on the same topics especially between Hind and Pakistan. With numerous books on the same issues.

    al Muhaddith al Kabeer hafizahullahu Ta'ala was the founder and worked hard on the shuruhaat that have come in Arabic that have been published by Majlis al Barakaat when he was the Head of al Jamiat al Ashrafia Mubarakpur. So some work is being done I agree that it is not enough alot more needs to be done.

    Just look at the pathetic state of some books that have been translated or written in English, they contain many errors it is really shameful.

    We should all become the change in sha Allah Tabaraak wa Ta'ala.
  6. It is being published in Amjadia risaalah at the moment in sections. More than half of it has been completed al Hamdulillah.

    al Muhaddith al Kabeer Shaykh Zia ul Mustafa al Qadri hafizahullahu Ta'ala have a very busy schedule teaching and leturing in thier Islamic University Jamia Amjadia Rizwia in Ghosi Hind and in other places.
  7. The Emir

    The Emir Well-Known Member

    Books in Arabic are plenty by esteemed scholars and any contemporary issues can be dealt with by Sunni Arab scholars. Whats the point of an Sub Continent Scholar writing in Arabic when he isn't well known in Arab countries??

    Also remember that there are 250 million Muslims in India and 180 million population in Pakistan, mostly Muslims who need to be catered for. Most educated people in these countries can read urdu so its a huge market and a substantial perecentage of world Muslims.
  8. I fully agree with ustadh Abu Hasan; that said, I sympathize with sidi KattarSunni's concerns. There is another reason for writing in Arabic: the subcontinental students of today in the West do not posess such a solid grasp of Urdu; indeed, their Arabic skills may well outweigh their comprehension of Urdu.

    Of course there is a greater need for the 'ulama of the subcontinent to write in urdu, so may Allah reward them for their efforts.

  9. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    the adab of knowledge is the most important first-step in the path of knowledge. where is the 'big need' for ulama (assuming: 'from the subcontinent') to write in arabic?

    if you want another sharh in arabic to boast alongside devbandis: 'we have written so many shuruH in arabic...' then it is unnecessary. but if it is for a genuine reason - like refuting people like prof.tahir or the devbandi faDayiH so that the world knows of what is happening here in our countries, then such books are necessary on such topics.

    it is my belief, that ulama in the subcontinent should translate to urdu/etc, the already present shuruH of well-known books for the benefit of the ummah instead of writing new shuruH in arabic. (just what mawlana zia'ul mustafa has done below)

    the responsibility of the ulama in the subcontinent is towards their own people and their writing/translations in local languages is more important than writing in arabic, and for a foreign audience.

    why would anyone read a sharh of shamayil in arabic written today, skipping al-qari or al-haytami? unless of course, such a sharh is a direct refutation of the heretic albani's shenanigans or in some way complementary to these aforementioned ones?

    we should never let the prime objective of `ilm go out of focus; knowledge is and should be only for the sake of Allah ta'ala.
    one who seeks knowledge to argue with fools or to be among scholars, or to draw attention of people towards his own self, Allah ta'ala will make him enter fire.
    look at alahazrat's approach - almost all of his books are as a result of some istifta or the other. he was a great writer without a shadow of doubt - his command of the languages, the erudition, an impressive and superb style - unique and exquisite; and an unflinching commitment to the cause and learning/ilm itself.

    it was not beyond him to write volumes on any topic - be it tafsir, hadith, fiqh etc. either as shuruh or as compilations. but he answered the call of duty - of fatwa - rather than do other activities. i am not saying that other activities were unnecessary, but his fatawa were more important at that juncture, than anything else.

    his single work - sub'Han as-subbuH - is an achievement of a lifetime. that one book saved and SAVES the aqidah of muslims to this day. if not, even ulama would fall prey to the befuddling of wolves. even if alahazrat wrote nothing else, except this one book, he still deserved to be called the mujaddid of his time - for annihilating the kazzabiyyah - may Allah ta'ala destroy them and their fitna - and by Allah! they will never be able to answer till judgement come.

    yet, it is in urdu - not in arabic. because the immediate need was an answer in urdu to save the aqidah of the local population. in spite of this being - perhaps the first book fully dedicated to this subject - or remains the only one. wAllahu a'alam.

    such was the way of our ulama.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2011
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  10. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    maybe they write for the subcontinent 'awam, whose language is urdu.

    if their work in urdu is of calibre, then it can surely be translated into arabic? thus, both arab and ajam can benefit?
  11. kattarsunni

    kattarsunni Veteran

    Why don't our Ulama write in Arabic? There are many commentaries written by our Sunni sub-continent Ulama, but mostly in Urdu.

    There is a big need for the Ulama to write in Arabic.
  12. The Emir

    The Emir Well-Known Member

    Has the whole book been completed and printed?
  13. Sharh Commentary of the famous hadith book Jami al Tirmidhi by al Muhaddith al Kabeer Shaykh Zia ul Mustafa al Qadri al A'azami hafizahullahu Ta'ala

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