shaykh 'alawi quote

Discussion in 'Biographical Notes' started by Aqdas, Jul 9, 2007.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    according to, it was shaykh muhammad bin al-harbi al-jazayiri who said something similar to the above. he said that when we mention shaykh ahmad raza, if he praises, we know he is sunni and if he criticises, then we know he is a man of bid'ah.

    what shaykh 'alawi said was that love for alaHazrat is a sign of ahlu's sunnah and hatred a sign of ahlu'l bid'ah.
  2. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    shaykh alawi maliki makki [father of shaykh muhammad bin alawi] said that when someone comes to makka from india, we mention imam ahmad raza to him. if his face lights up, we know he is a sunni and if he shows unhappiness, then we know he is not a sunni.

    can someone please give me a reference for this quote ASAP or at least somewhere where this quote is mentioned

    jazakAllah in advance.

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