These verses are attributed to Sayyiduna Ĥassān ibn Thābit al-Anşāri rađiyAllāhu ánhu: agharru álayhi li’n nubuwwati khātamun minallāhi mash-hūdun yalūĥu wa yush-hadu wa đamma’l ilāh isma’n nabiyyi ila’smihi idhā qāla fi’l khamsil mu-adh’dhinu ash-hadu wa shaqqa lahu mini’smihi li yujilallahu fa dhu’l árshi maĥmūdun wa hādha muĥammadu nabiyyun atāna baáda ya’sin wa fatratin mina’r rusuli wa’l awthānu fi’l arđi túbadu fa amsā sirājan mustanīran wa hādiyan yalūĥu kamā lāĥa’s şaqīlu’l muhannadu wa andharanā nāran wa bash’shara jannatan wa államana’l islāma fallāha naĥmadu wa anta ilāhu’l khalqi rabbī wa khāliqī bi dhālika mā ámmartu fi’n nāsi ash-hadu táālayta rabba’n nāsi án qawli man dáā siwāka ilāhan, anta aálā wa amjadu laka’l khalqu wa’n náamā-u wa’l amru kulluhu fa iyyaka nas-tahdī wa iyyāka nábudu [Dīwān Ĥassān ibn Thābit al-Anşāri, pg.49] ------------------------- Translation of the two most famous ones from the above: wa đamma’l ilāh isma’n nabiyyi ila’smihi idhā qāla fi’l khamsil mu-adh’dhinu ash-hadu wa shaqqa lahu mini’smihi li yujilallahu fa dhu’l árshi maĥmūdun wa hādha muĥammadu And Allah joined the name of the Prophet along with His own, When the Mu'adh-dhin calls out 'I bear witness' five times a day Even his name is derived from Allah's own name, to highlight his importance The Lord of `Arsh is Mahmud (The Praised One) and this is Muhammad! Sallallahu `alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam.
Extract from Sunnipath by Sh. Amjad Rasheed Click here As for the Prophet- Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him- the Divine grace has been guaranteed to him and he has been raised to the praiseworthy station (al-Maqam al-Mahmood) by his Beloved such that lack of blessings does not harm him. The true lover reaches his beloved with every blessing without waiting for a reason, and Allah has better right to such a love, for He is the Most Merciful of the merciful and He is the Most Generous of the generous. If He forgives the disobedient without a reason except His enormous mercy and His great grace and largess, how then should He treat His Chosen Beloved, the crown of creation? Your lord shall give you, and you shall be satisfied ( Quran 93:5).
Salam What is the nearest possible tafseer of 'Maqam al-Mahmood'? Please relate references. JazakAllah
Shaykh Faraz was saying that one of the miracles of the Prophet :sas: is his name "MuHammad". His being named "MuHammad" is his miracle. Allah subHanahu wa ta'ala refers to the Prophet :sas: in the Qur'an al-Hakeem as the Prophet rather than by his miraculous name MuHammad. This is to allevate the status of the Prophet. Everyone is praising the Prophet. He is MuHammad. After every salah we say, Allah raise the status of the Prophet even higher and a maqam MaHmooda that is promised to him Allah bless him and send salutation upon him. With the passing of RasulAllah the whole world is now busy praising the Prophet after every salah around the earth as the earth rotates and people observe day and night. The praise of the Prophet covers the earth, envelops it with movement. the Prophet the Prophet the Prophet MuHammad :sas: Shifa'at Ya RasulAllah Aghithna Ya RasulAllah