SubhanAllah. May Allah enlight my blacken heart with the noor of His beloved Sallalahu Alaihi Waalihi Wassallam. Thanks bro Wadood
:s2: Sidis, he said so much, I dont know where to begin! Here are a few notes One of the things he was explaining was that the du'a of RasulAllah :sas: is mustajab. And that RasulAllah had prayed for his blessed body to get Noor into it, and to become Noor itself. "make me Noor" Another point he mentioned was the Hadith Sharif in the ash-Shifa of Sayyidina Imam Qadhi Iyad :ra: about the bedouin man who came to the Prophet for a sign. I am quoting the Hadith, from Shaykha 'Ayesha Bewley's translation, At-Tufayl ibn 'Amr asked him for a sign for his people. The Prophet said, "O Allah! Illuminate him!" and a light shone between his eyes. At-Tufayl said, " I fear they will say that it is a punishment," so he moved the light to the tip of his wip and it used to give light on a dark night. He was called Dhu'n-Nur (Possessor of Light) because of that by Sayyidina Ibn Ishaq and Sayyidina Imam al-Bayhaqi Shaykh GF Haddad commented deeply into the above Hadith. One of the so many events he mentioned was that of Sayyidina Imam sufyan al-Thawri :ra: the Mujtahid Imam, Allah bless him and make him and fulfill our du'as throughs his intercession. Once Sayyidina sufyan al-Thawri was making Tawaaf around the ka'ba Shareefa that he saw a man doing Salawaat on the Prophet loudly everywhere that most people were startled. He went to that man and asked him for the reason, because that is the place of du'a and dhikr but why only Salawaat and that loudly? The man said that his dad died and when he went to see him, he saw that his dad's face had blackened. He feared that this could be because of his dad being a bad man and so he asked Allah subHanahu wa ta'ala for help and the reason why and went to sleep. In his sleep he saw his dad lying dead on the ground with his face blackenned and a full of light man came and touched his dad. His dad's face lightened immediately and the blackness was gone. The son then asked the full of light man who he was and the man said, dont you know, I am RasulAllah. The son went down to the knees of RasulAllah and asked the reason behind his father's condition. RasulAllah said it was because he used to drink alcohol. But because he was an ardent sender of Salawaat on me, he came to repay him. Allah enlightened him despite. It is the Salawaat on the Prophet that lightened the man's face and brought the Noor into him.
:s1: Last night, Shaykh Gibril told us that RasulAllah salalaho 'alaihi wa salam was Nur, and this is literally speaking not metaphorically or symbolically. His Nur was seen, literally seen. Reminded me of Shaykh Nuh Ha Mim Keller HafizuhuAllah ta'ala and his amaizing dars on this. I love Shaykh Nuh and Shaykh GF Haddad. Shaykh Dhahir Bachhus, student of Shaykh Nuh, was there and also Shaykh Ramzi. Allah bless them all. I am leaving out the vast, beeeeeeeeeautiful details that Shaykh GF Haddad used. But heard them with full attention and have memorised them into my mind, inshaAllah ta'ala