One day Sahl said, “Repentance is a duty incumbent upon a man every moment, whether he be of the elect or the common folk, whether he be obedient to God or disobedient.” There was a certain man in Tostar who laid claim to be learned and an ascetic. He protested against this statement of Sahl’s. “He says that the disobedient must repent of his disobedience, and the obedient of his obedience.” And he turned the people against Sahl, making him out to be a heretic and an infidel. All, commons and nobles alike, took up his charge. Sahl refrained from disputing with them to correct their misunderstanding. Fired by the pure flame of religion, he wrote down on paper a list of all his possessions, farms, houses, furniture, carpets, vessels, gold and silver. Then he gathered the people and scattered the pages over their heads. He gave to every man all that was inscribed on the page that he picked up, as a token of gratitude for their relieving him of his worldly goods. Having given everything away, he set out for Hejaz. ----------------- Mufti Rafiq sa'adi also related about certain awliya who were falsely charged with nothing less than kufr and even had to leave their native cities and take up residence elsewhere because all people had been incited against them.
All brothers who feel that their shuyookh are getting chastised for no reason should reflect on the following anecdotes about people who have been unanimously accepted as awliya: Dho ‘I-Nun is arrested and taken to Baghdad When Dho ‘l-Nun had already attained a high degree, no one recognized his true greatness. The people of Egypt denounced him unanimously as a heretic, and informed the caliph Motawakkel of his activities. Motawakkel sent officers to convey him to Baghdad in fetters. When he entered the caliph’s court he declared, “This very hour I have learned true Islam from an old woman, and true chivalry from a water-carrier.” “How is that?” he was asked. “When I reached the caliph’s palace,” he replied, “and beheld that court in all its magnificence, with the chamberlains and attendants thronging its passages, I wished that some change might take place in my appearance. A woman with a stick in her hand came up and, looking straight at me, addressed me. “‘Do not be afraid of the body before whom they are taking you, for he and you are both servants of one Almighty Lord. Unless God wills it, they can do nothing to His servant.’ “Then on the road I saw a water-carrier. He gave me a draught of pure water. I made a sign to one who was with me to give the man a dinar. He refused to take it. “‘You are a prisoner and in bonds,’ he said. ‘It would not be true chivalry to take anything from such a prisoner, a stranger in bonds.’ “ After that it was ordered that he should be put in prison. Forty days and nights he remained in gaol, and every day the sister of Beshr the Barefoot brought him a loaf, the earnings of her spindle. The day when he came out of prison, the forty loaves remained intact, not one having been eaten. When Beshr’s sister heard of this, she became very sad. “You know that those loaves were lawful food and unsolicited. Why did you not eat them?” she protested. “Because the plate was not clean,” Dho ‘l-Nun replied, meaning that it had been handled by the gaoler. As Dho ‘l-Nun came out of the prison he stumbled and cut his forehead. It is related that much blood flowed, but not one drop fell on his face, his hair or his clothes, and all the blood that fell on the ground vanished at once, by the command of Almighty God. Then they brought him before the caliph, and he was ordered to answer the charges preferred against him. He explained his doctrine in such a manner that Motawakkel burst into tears, and all his ministers stood in wonder at his eloquence. So the caliph became his disciple, and accorded him high honour.
Please read the attached file. What I am trying to say: 1. The real states of Shuyookh are known only to Allah ta'ala - ours are only perceptions 2. If they err they have a thousand different good actions, even if one of them is accepted they are saved 3. We have very few good works, if we assume ill on their part from the on set or backbite, we stand far less chance. 4. It is Allah ta'ala who puts love/respect for them in people's hearts - they don't need us to defend them on every single platform. We can state what we know/think/husn-zann and people are free to accept it or ignore it and think what like. That's not in the least detrimental to them. 5. Ponder carefully if our defence/attack for/against a scholar is in reality for the sake of Allah or is it a hidden petting of our own nafs - just because we think our decision/choice cannot be wrong etc. ----- I am not saying that the Imam didn't have any other good works or that he was not a mujaddid. Just a few pointers from the dream. Dreams have to be interpreted.