The Blessed Concuibines radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhunna The Prophet Muhammad Rasulullah sall Allahu a'laihi wa Aalihi wasallam had four blessed concuibines their blessed names are: 1. Sayyidatuna Mariyah Qabtiyah radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nha 2. Sayyidatuna Rehaanah radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nha 3. Sayyidatuna Nafeesah radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nha 4. Sayyidatuna Jameelah radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nha Reference Madaarij un Nubuwwah Volume 2 page 575 by A’llamah Shaykh Muhammad A’bd ul Haq Muhadith ad Dehlawi radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu. Sayyidatuna Mariyah Qabtiyah radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nha was a gift from Muqawqis the ruler of Egypt (Misr) and the Hakim of Alexandria (Iskandariyah). Reference Madaarij un Nubuwwah Volume 2 page 575 by A’llamah Shaykh Muhammad A’bd ul Haq Muhadith ad Dehlawi radi Allahu Ta'ala a'nhu.
:s1: jazak Allah for the table! Isn't Sayyiditina Maria the Copt missing from this list? She was a concubine gifted to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم from the Negus, I think?
I am currently compiling information about the blessed Family of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a'laihi wa Aalihi wasallam in table format to make the information easy to understand and memorise. The following information has been taken from the book Khandaane Mustafa sall Allahu a'lahi wa Aalihi wasallam by Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Saee'd ul Hasan Shah al Qadri. The Mothers of the Believers Ummhaat ul Momineen Blessed Wives of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa Aalihi wasallam
unfortunately, vb (the forum software we use) editor cannot do it by default. you will either have to know html to create tables or we install some unsupported full-feature editor (which we cannot at the moment). but the easiest way to do it now, is to capture a screenshot of the table as a jpg, gif or png image and attach it.
Sayyidatina Khadija al-kubra Sayyidatina Juwayriya Sayyidatina Sowda Sayyidatina 'Aisha Sayyidatina Mariya Qabatiyya Sayyidatina Hafsa Sayyidatina Umm Salamah Sayyidatina Umm Habiba Sayyidatina Safiyya Sayyidatina Zaynab
I am currently compiling information about the blessed Family of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a'laihi wa Aalihi wasallam in table format to make the information easy to understand and memorise. The following information has been taken from the book Khandaane Mustafa sall Allahu a'lahi wa Aalihi wasallam by Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Saee'd ul Hasan Shah al Qadri. The Mothers of the Believers Ummhaat ul Momineen Blessed Wives of the Prophet Muhammad sall Allahu a’laihi wa Aalihi wasallam how can I display a table from a word document?