Taqlid by Imam Tahir al-Kiani

Discussion in 'Hanafi Fiqh' started by faqir, May 7, 2007.

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  1. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    yes, do that sister

    and if you see other articles you like please do promote them as well!

  2. Harisa

    Harisa Guest

    Selam alikum

    I dunno if the rest of you know that Imam Tahir's article on 'Taqlid: following a Mujtahid' is now online.
    It can be downloaded here:


    It's deffo worth seeing.

    Ma Sha Allah. May God Almighty grant the Imam a long and prosperous life. Amen.

    p.s. I still can't get into the DeenPort portal. Can someone be please be kind enough to advertise it on DeenPort - Allah will reward you.


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