Tasfiya ma bayn Sunni wa Shi'ah: Reconciling Sunnis,Shias by Pir Sayyid Mihr Ali Shah

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by Wadood, Dec 19, 2006.

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  1. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    It is inspiring to read this as it is written such a long time ago.

    This shows that the rafiDi monsters were present in sizeable populations in the Rawalpindi area as today where their leader resides

    The rafiDi monsters are trying to take over our Maqbaras such as that of Shaykh Imam al-Bari :ra: and others in NWFP.

    It seems that what Syed Pir Mehr 'Ali Shah is proposing never ever happened in this area, as it never happened in Baghdad too even though Shaykh 'Abdal Qadir al-Jaylani :ra: pointed out the rafiDis in 'Iraq living at that time when they were a small minority there
  2. 6. Tasfiah Mabain Sunni Wa Shi’ah
    This book, the last of Hazrat’s writings in prose, represents an effort by him to amicably resolve the age-old schism between the Sunni and Shi’ah sects of Islam. The major cause of discord between the two sects has been the divergence of views between them about the manner in which the question of succession to the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) was settled after his passing away, and especially about the order in which the four Pious Caliphs (Abubakar, Umar, Usman and Ali) were installed in the office. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) himself had not nominated a successor, and had left the question to be decided on the basis of democratic consensus in accordance with the true principles of Islam. Although the matter was resolved with unison and amity at the time, issues seeking to sow the seeds of dissension were raised concerning it, long after the event, by forces which could only be regarded as ill wishers of the Muslim Ummah that had attained dizzy heights of glory in a short period of time.
    Because of the ruinous effects of this schism on the unity and integrity of the Muslim Ummah, moderation-living ulama have endeavored from the beginning to bridge it through their writings and pronouncements. Unfortunately, the schism has continued to persist, largely because the voice of moderation and restraint has often been stifled amidst the tumult of extremism, and also because the ill wishers of the Islamic Ummah have, through their machinations and conspiracies, not allowed the controversy to be resolved once and for all. Realizing the grave and fundamental significance of this matter, therefore, Hazrat decided to write on the issue in what was meant to be yet another effort to effect a lasting reconciliation between the two sects. In this book, he quoted extensively from Quran and Hadith to establish the legitimacy of the decision taken consensually on the question of Khilafat (succession) to the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), and to present the correct and balanced view about the respective eminence of members of the Prophet’s household (Ahle-baet) and his distinguished Companions (As’haab) which had also developed overtime into a major point of conflict. The balanced but scholarly and convincing tone in which the book has been written cannot but elicit the admiration of all fair-minded readers. At the end the august author appealed to both the sects to follow the path of moderation which is hallmark of Islam, and to view the issue involved objectively and in correct perspective.
    Hazrat dictated the manuscript of this book to Khan Bahadur Maulvi Sher Muhammad, custodian of his respondence, for some time before it was interrupted, first by Hazrat’s illness and then by the onset of spiritual state which developed gradually into Istighraq (total spiritual absorption). During his illness, Hazrat’s permission was sought for the printing and publication of the manuscript but he desired the matter to be deferred for the time being. Unfortunately Hazrat passed away before the final completion and publication of the book. After a careful review of the 142-page manuscript, the book was published in 1979 with suitable explanatory notes.
    Hazrat’s foreword indicating reasons for writing the book
    “The friction between the Sunni and Shi’ah is not something new, that it should call for an appeal by seekers of truth to present-day ‘ulama for its resolution. Indeed, our venerable ancestors have been giving expression to their views on the subject on the one hand and love for the Ahle-baet (Members of the Prophet’s household) on the other with due moderation and decorum over the past few centuries. Unfortunately, however, a new element seems to have entered the scene in the recent times. This is the belief that it is essential for a true sunni to be antagonistic to the Ahle-baet and friendly towards the Umayyids, i.e., the two groups that were pitted against each other in the battle of Karbala. The fact, however, is that the sunnis have never been guilty of this attitude; indeed love and respect for Ahle-baet has always been regarded by the sunni sect as a corner of their belief structure.
    “The reason for this new trend seems to be that sunni ulama have, in their speeches and teachings, tended largely to focus on rebutting the shi’ah practice of hurling abuse on the Umayyad and their sympathizers, and have given much less attention to highlight the virtues and excellent qualities of the Ahle-baet.
    “In view of this situation, some well-meaning sunni ‘ulama have lately been emphasizing the need for effective stemming of the aforesaid unhealthy trend. In compliance with their wishes, and despite my lack of ability, competence and time for this deterring task, I have therefore decided to write a few pages on the subject. These pages bring together some of the views contained in earlier writings and my own considered ideas on the subject. They are meant for the information of persons interested in this vital issue, with the prayer that the readers should pray for my salvation in recompense for a humble service to Islam. May Allah, Who bestowed on the world and its denizens His boundless Mercy in the august person of the Holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) of Islam (termed Rahmat-ul-lil Alamin - Mercy for all the words) by Allah Himself in Quran, condone the sins of the Muslim ‘Ummah and forgive us all.”
    Topics covered in the book
    • Corroboration of legitimacy of the Righteous Caliphate (Khilafat-e-Rashida) with evidence from the Quran especially ayah 55 of Surah XXIV of the Holy Book, which runs as follows:
    "Allah hath promised such of you as believe (O mankind !) and do good works that He will surely make them to succeed (the present rulers) in the earth even as He caused those who went before them their religion which He hath approved for them, and will give them in exchange safety after their fear. They serve Me; (and) they ascribe nothing as partner unto Me. Those who disbelieve henceforth, they are the miscreants." (XXIV, 55)
    • The issue of Qirtas (piece of paper);
    • The Hadith pertaining to Khum-e-ghadir (a place containing a water pond)
    • The matter of Bagh-e-Fidak (the Garden of Fidak)
    • The Ayah of Mubahilah (invocation of curse upon liars) (III, 59-61)
    • The Ayah of Tathir (purification) (XXXIII, 33)
    • The Ayah of Mavvadat (loving kindness among kinsfolk) (XLII, 23)
    • The Hadith concerning Madinatul’ilm (City of Knowledge)
    • The Hadith of Thaqalain (The Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) hadith concerning his heritage of “two weighty things” viz., the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s off-spring (Ahle-Baet) which, if their teachings were faithfully and steadfastly followed by the Ummah, would help it avoid falling a prey to misguide.)
    Hadith-e-Madinatul ‘Ilm (The Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه وسلم) hadith declaring that he was the “City of Knowledge” and Syedna Ali (R.A) was its gate)

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