The Deaf community

Discussion in 'Miscellany' started by tisawar rehman, Jul 30, 2007.

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  1. tisawar rehman

    tisawar rehman New Member

    Salaam wa alaikum

    I have started up a project with another worker to provide information and access to the Deaf community; Inshallah hope it will take effect over the next few months. Its very sad knowing that many Deaf muslims wish to learn about Islam but find it difficult to attend or find people who are willing to teach their community.

    How many masjids do you know that provide BSL interpreters on Friday prayers?

    Or BSL interpreters are provided on dhikr gatherings or Islamic talks?
    Not many.............I was surprised to find that there was so many Deaf muslims living around my area but have never attended a congregation at a masjid because they did not understand.

    Learning British Sign Language is not very difficult and one can start communicating with the Deaf straightaway with even an introduction course to BSL.

    My reason for posting this message to day is to request you to make proposals to your local masjids to provide BSL interpreters at the very least on Friday prayers.

    May Allah reward you all for sharing His knowledge with those who yearn to learn but find it difficult because of some deficiency.

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