The Forgotten Khalifa of Ala Hazrat, Shaykh Shihābudīn Ahmad Koya Al Shāliyāti

Discussion in 'Siyar an-Nubala' started by Oowais Qassim Ali, Jan 10, 2025.

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  1. Ghaus Muhammad

    Ghaus Muhammad New Member

    May Allah ﷻ reward the imam and benefit us by his extensive knowledge. His position differs from the transmitted position of the muta'akhkhirun in the Shafi'i school, and the fatwa has limited engagement with the nusus of the school. It does not appear to conform with the mu'tamad of the school, which is clarified by Allama Ibn Hajar and Allama Ramli. Allah ﷻ knows best.

    HASSAN Well-Known Member


    HASSAN Well-Known Member

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    HASSAN Well-Known Member


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    HASSAN Well-Known Member

    I was doing a bit of low level research on the Shaykh a around year ago

    Someone from Kerala sent me these pictures of the Shaykh's library/Dar al-Ifta’

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    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
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    HASSAN Well-Known Member

    ١) حياة الموات في بيان سماع الاموات للشيخ احمد رضا خان البريلوي
    ٢) شرح الارشادات الجفرية في الرد علي ضلالات النجدية للشيخ احمد كوي الشاليات على قصيدة الشيخ العارف السيد محمد الجفري الحضرمي (عم قطب الزمان السيد علوى)المدفون بجفري هوس كالكوت
    ٣) دفع الشر الاثير عن الخيرالكثير للشيخ احمد كوي الشاليات
    ٤) شرح البدرية الهمزية للشيخ احمد كوي الشاليات
    *٥)* مواهب الرب المتين فى مناقب الشيخ معين الدين الاجميري
    *٦)* مولد النبي (ص)للشيخ احمد كوي الشاليات
    *٧)* القصيدة البدرية للشيخ احمد كوي الشاليات
    ٨) شرح راتب الحداد ووردالنووى
  7. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    a fatwa by allama shaliyati on the wujub of jum'uah / eidayn khutbah in arabic. published by hakikat kitabevi, istanbul of shaykh huseyn hilmi ishik.


    HASSAN, Noori and Oowais Qassim Ali like this.
  8. Oowais Qassim Ali

    Oowais Qassim Ali Active Member

  9. Oowais Qassim Ali

    Oowais Qassim Ali Active Member

    The Mufti of 4 Madhhabs & Author of 50+ Works From South India, Shaykh Shihabudīn Ahmed Koya Al Shaliyati was a Disciple of Ala Hazrat.


    He had written on his courtyard gate, which included his house, his Masjid and old library:

    "It is not permitted for the following to enter this area: Photographer*, Wahhabi, Mawdudi-follower, Deobandi."

    This sign upon he wrote these words is still there to this day

    Resources :
    3 * Search for شالیاتی under this user's account for more
    Noori likes this.

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