The Hand movements of Sayyidul Bashar wa Jinn :sas:

Discussion in 'Seerat ar-Rasul' started by Aqdas, Mar 18, 2006.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    imam e ishq o mohabbat writes:

    eid mushkil kushai ke chamkeN hilal
    nakhunoN ki basharat pe lakhoN salam
  2. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran


    Shaykh Ramzi of Toronto was mentioning in today's juma'a khutbah from the blessed Shama'il of Sayyiduna Imam al-Tirmidhi :ra: that when RasulAllah :sas: used to talk his blessed hands used to move with his voice in the most beautiful coherent of ways, and that when RasulAllah :sas: used to point to something he used to point with his full blessed right hand instead of using the index finger and that when RasulAllah :sas: was surprised he used to clasp his blessed thumb of his blessed right finger into the palm of his blessed left hand.

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