No Sunni should donate to them if they ask in the month of Rabi when the Sains tour with the Naat recitors time for accountabilty and our Masajid to be handed over to Muslims again! Do not be fooled by empty slogans that fill the buckets with £s!
Three Pound Chanda Three Pound Chanda very very cheap come on Sunnis Three Pound Chanda very very cheap me is Sain Three Pound Chanda very very cheap... Donate monthly to Takbeer TV Donate to Takbeer – Bank name: HSBC Sort code: 40-11-18 Account number: 34445139 International Account: GB31MIDL40111834445139 Branch ID: MIDLGB2102K or call our donation line on 0121 440 4096 Special offer only to UK residents. You can now donate to Takbeer TV via text. Simply text the word TAKBEER to 70300, and donate £3! (Unfortunately this offer is only valid for people within the UK. If you would like to donate from outside of UK please visit us at Safwan ibn Salim related that the Prophet said: Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for AllahÕs cause, or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night. (Bukhari) My guide has planted the jasmine (love of Allah) in my heart (soul). It (the plant) is given the water of negativity (refusal) and affirmativeness in each and every part. When the plant grew bigger it aromatised my soul. May my perfect guide, who planted this jasmine in my heart, be ever blessed.Donate monthly to Takbeer TV Donate to Takbeer – Bank name: HSBC Sort code: 40-11-18 Account number: 34445139 International Account: GB31MIDL40111834445139 Branch ID: MIDLGB2102K or call our donation line on 0121 440 4096 Special offer only to UK residents. You can now donate to Takbeer TV via text. Simply text the word TAKBEER to 70300, and donate £3! (Unfortunately this offer is only valid for people within the UK. If you would like to donate from outside of UK please visit us at Safwan ibn Salim related that the Prophet said: Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for AllahÕs cause, or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night. (Bukhari) My guide has planted the jasmine (love of Allah) in my heart (soul). It (the plant) is given the water of negativity (refusal) and affirmativeness in each and every part. When the plant grew bigger it aromatised my soul. May my perfect guide, who planted this jasmine in my heart, be ever blessed.Donate monthly to Takbeer TV Donate to Takbeer – Bank name: HSBC Sort code: 40-11-18 Account number: 34445139 International Account: GB31MIDL40111834445139 Branch ID: MIDLGB2102K or call our donation line on 0121 440 4096 Special offer only to UK residents. You can now donate to Takbeer TV via text. Simply text the word TAKBEER to 70300, and donate £3! (Unfortunately this offer is only valid for people within the UK. If you would like to donate from outside of UK please visit us at Special offer only to UK residents. You can now donate to Takbeer TV via text. Simply text the word TAKBEER to 70300, and donate £3! (Unfortunately this offer is only valid for people within the UK. If you would like to donate from outside of UK please visit us at