Topic: Ishq . Speaker: Shaykh Tahirul Qadri. Emotional speech about Ardent Love.

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by SA01, Feb 14, 2010.

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  1. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Bro NJ....can't seem to track this clip on Google Videos direct.....are u able to paste the link from somewhere? JZK.
  2. SA01

    SA01 Veteran

    Subhanallah! It is beautiful bro NJ. Very touching......Ya Allah, I beseech your guidance always, please allow me to feel and taste the true Ishq for the sake of your Beloved Rasulallah Salallahu alaihi wasallam!! Ya Rasulallahi Unzar Haalana, Ya HabibAllahi isma kaalana!:'(

    Some Poetry originally in Saraiki, but with English translation.
    KAFI (18): Translated by Qazi Muhammad Ahkam

    Musag malyndi da guzar gaya dinh sara,
    Singhar karyndi da guzar gaya dinh sara.

    Kejjla payom, surkhi layom, keetom yar visara,
    Kang udynday umer vihanri, Aaya na yar piyara.
    Roh dongar tay jungle bala, Rolyom Ishaq awara.
    Hik dam aish di sayj na manrum, bakht na ditrum vara.
    Parh Bismalla gholum sir knu, chatum Ishiq ajara.
    Ranjhan manda, man ranjhan di, rooz azal da kara.
    Hijer Fareeda lambi laie, jal giyom muft vchara.

    English Translation

    I wasted my day (the entire lifetime) in shining my teeth with Musag (a tree root).
    I spoiled all my day in makeup and in beautifying myself.

    I made linings about my eyes with eyeliner; I colored my lips red with lipglass.
    I decorated myself for my love.
    I spent all my life in scaring crows (traditionally, crows cackling is an indication of someone guest coming to see you) but my beloved did not come.
    I wandered in the dry land, in desert (rohi)and in woods and jungle, I wandered for my love.
    Never did I sleep well, not for a moment. My fate did not give me the turn (of good fortune).
    With the name of Allah I uncovered my head and picked the burden of love.
    Ranjha(the beloved of Heer; traditional) is mine, I am for him(here the name of Ranjha is used metaphorically for beloved),such is written in the sacred book of fate, right from the day of creation of the universe.
    O Fareed! separation has taken too long a period, I have almost burnt to ashes. Pity!!!
  3. I love this old speech of Professor Sahib!
  4. <embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" flashvars=""> </embed>

    --an emotional and moving speech about ishq delivered at the mosque attached to the shrine of Hazrat Khwaja Ghulam Farid :ra: .

    The Shaykh is very humble in this speech and weeps throughout saying I am embarrased in front of the Khwaja to pretend to be able to speak on this topic when he was drowned in it and I haven't even stepped into this stage yet.


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