What about when Jibreel Alaihisalam said iqra. I think it was when He Sallalahu alaihiva sallam awake. If I am wrong please explain me. Jazakallah
Assalam alaykum, The Noble Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, was reported to have said:-- "True dreams are one of the 46 parts of Prophethood." [Bukhari, 6472, Muslim, 4201]. Ummul-Mumineen, A'isha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: "The first revelation that was granted to the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, was the true dream in a state of sleep, so that he never dreamed a dream but the truth of it shone forth like the dawn of the morning." So why are dreams one of 46 parts of prophethood? Because dreams marked the onset of Revelation (Bukhari 3, Muslim 231). The first Wahy came down for 6 months, and Wahy (revelation) lasted 23 years. So, the first Wahy being 6 months (because 2 six months=1 year) 2x 23 years=46 months. Thus [true] dreams are 1/46th part of Prophethood.