he can wear a coat - doctors usually wear a coat over their clothes. and remove it during prayer. questioners often frame the question in a manner to elicit a favourable reply. in this case, the questioner has generalised that it is unavoidable for him to have blood or impurities on the clothes and body even though it seems to be a special case. i would like to understand how blood etc. gets on his clothes or body EVERYDAY or so often? as i said, i am not a doctor, but an answer would help me appreciate the situation better.
The questioner does state that he can't change. And in the Hanafi school, three things must be pure from filth: clothes, body, place of prayer (where you will touch).
Is there leeway within the Hanafi school itself? I saw a recent post of Mr. Haroon Sultan ranting about not taking the position from Nurul Idah in regards to this matter.
Mawlana, correct me if I'm wrong, but if such a situation exists shouldn't only the Maliki rules of tahara apply but salah should still be performed based on one's mazhab such as if Hanafi the person still prays as per that mazhab? The response given in that question implies one also perform salah as per the Maliki mazhab.
the question is not specific and the answer should have imposed the conditions under which exemptions are allowed. how often does a doctor get blood and impurities on his clothes on a regular basis? it is not like a butcher's job where it is inevitable for blood and najasah to be splashed on clothes. a doctor works with wounds, impurities but rarely handles with his/her hands (medical gloves, anyone?) and neither does the occasion call for force which would cause blood or impurities to spill, splash or otherwise dirty the doctor's hands or clothes. i am not a doctor, and my opinion is based on observation. please feel free to correct the above assumption about "usual circumstances". one common circumstance is when doctors have to clean or dress wounds etc. (so the ruling should also apply to nurses who either assist doctors or do the dressing/minor procedures themselves). even in this case, they wear gloves and rarely would they get blood on their hands. a surgeon's work however, involves blood. but again, there are guidelines for surgeon's attire. anyone who has waited outside the OT would have seen a surgeon (or support staff) going in or coming out in surgical gowns/overalls. https://www.asahq.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines-for-surgical-attire https://www.facs.org/about-acs/statements/87-surgical-attire ----- in other words, getting blood on hands or clothes is not unavoidable and with care one can manage it. i know of a senior surgeon who has conducted complicated surgeries, (and in case of a relative, a marathon 10 hour job) but he took off his surgical attire went to his room and prayed his fard prayers in short 5-10 minute breaks. one should try to protect oneself as much as possible - such as wearing a coat upon the clothes they wear and other protective equipment. one can plan beforehand and take care to avoid dirtying their clothes. and if there is a situation where it is indeed inevitable that hands or clothes get sullied by impurities, and it is not one off and happens everyday, in spite of care taken, such examples may please be provided for the understanding of the mufti so that it can be concluded that it is very difficult, if not impossible to avoid even after precautions (gloves, overcoat, mask, surgical attire etc.) ----- if indeed, it is not practical to avoid blood or impurities on clothes, and indeed, this happens on a daily basis such that the doctor cannot plan for a convenient time (say during break or lunch) to pray, they may avail of the concessionary ruling of other madh'habs. Allah ta'ala knows best.
Question: I am a doctor and in my situation and work I am unable to avoid blood and impurities. Due to the time constraints between salah in the UK and my requirements of my job I am unable to change my apparels or clothes. How do I pray? Answer: In your unique situation you take the fatwa relating to impurities from the Maliki school and pray. You ensure you learn the salah and taharah according to that school and you do not commit talfiq which is to mix and match the rulings in one thing in such a way that the action is invalid. So for doctors in your unique situation they perform taharah and salah according to the Maliki school. -------------- Shaykh Asrar Rashid https://www.facebook.com/1582270502061139/posts/3165549937066513/