Visiting of the Souls on Thursdays

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by Noori, Apr 28, 2017.

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  1. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    it is the night between Thursday and Friday because night comes before day due to moon sighting, and if you do fatihah between asr and maghrib they will be pleased to receive their gifts ready for them، or probably because it is the time when angels change their duties so those leaving take notes of the fatihah and then they or other angles present it to the deceased as gifts. however, Ala Hazrat alihi rahmah wa riDwan has not listed these times to mean exclusivity, rather these are the most common times when souls visit their homes so that the relatives should remember it and do isaal e sawaab for them.

    since angles change their duties in the morning (after fajr) and evening (after asr) the fatihah is also done after fajr prayer as it is mentioned in shajrah sharif.

    regardless, whatever time one does esaal e sawaab it will reach to their marhomin.

    and Allah Ta'ala knows best.
    Ghulam Ali, Umar99 and N-Sunni like this.
  2. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    So when Alahazrat says shab e jumu'ah the souls return, what time is that?
  3. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    every day if you do, otherwise Thursday. It is not necessary that one should do lengthy fatihah, 3, 7, or 11 times surah ikhlas and surah fatihah after asr prayer would do.
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  4. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  5. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    it is prefered to do fatihah between asr and maghrib.
    Ghulam Ali and N-Sunni like this.
  6. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    When do souls visit?

    Is it:

    - Thursday anytime
    - Thursday night after Maghrib till Friday fajr
    - Friday day

  7. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

    I quoted that as the brother asked where AlaHazrat Rahmatullah Alayh mentioned about Sharh as Sudoor and so I told him where and which page. Okay, it makes sense now JazakAllah Khair, of course this topic is new to me as the only thing I have heard is from my father that they would do Khatam on Thursday because they believed the souls returns, being a Wahhabi previously, a lot of things are new to me and so I will be curious and ask.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    i doubt if there is any. but others can please mention if there is one, indeed.

    i assume you are trying to find a hadith with sahih sanad and hence the intrigue about shaykh al-islam and sharh al-sudur containing weak narrations. i assume that is why you quoted:

    this is the citation and alahazrat's own comment comes afterward putting this quote in perspective; here is my translation:

    In the same book, he has said:
    Shaykh Jalaluddin Suyuti raHimahullah has mentioned various hadith in Sharh al-Sudur concerning: "[visiting] often"* even though, most of those [narrations] are not free from being weak.

    The word 'most' clearly proves that 'some' are absolutely free from being weak. Thus, the author of Miatu Masayil, referring to this in absolute terms, by saying: "these narrations are declared to be weak" is either a lie and slander - or ignorance and impudence.

    *literally: "visiting most times"

    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    Talib-e Madina and Bazdawi like this.
  9. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

    JazakAllah Khair, brother is there any urdu translation as I do not know persian.
  10. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    shaykh al-islam is the grandson of shah abd al-Haqq muhaddith dihlawi.

    see nuz'hatu'l khawatir of nadwi, 6/733.

    nuzhatkhawatir nadwi, 6-733.jpg

    i have included a copy of kashf al-ghiTa. please note that the pages are not ordered, will fix it when i get time.

    wa's salam.

    Attached Files:

    Umar99 likes this.
  11. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

  12. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran
    On Page 260

    He then visits his family once or twice in a day, making Dua for their goodness and for their eminence. If anyone from amongst his children is becoming Hafiz ul Qur’an (memorising it), he becomes pleased, and if any (of them) becomes bad, he is saddened (by this) and this routine of his will continue until the Soor is blown.’
    Ghulam Ali and Umar99 like this.
  13. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    is this your own translation or you are quoting someone?
  14. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    there are numerous mispronunciation, misspellings in that translation linked.
  15. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator


    you wrote [emphasis mine]:
    you randomly ask names of books and references - and say "i couldn't find that narration in 'sharh al-sudur' as cited by alahazrat". you might not have understood the implication but it means: 'i have searched 'sharh al-sudur' thoroughly, but i couldn't find that narration'. which passively implies that alahazrat's quote is not substantiated. 'even though' emphasises that point.

    it might not have been your intention, but that is how it appears to one who reads it.

    a very simple rule is to 'ask' instead of 'tell'. for example:
    this means one doesn't know, and needs help in locating it, nor does it have the undertone of having 'searched thoroughly'.

    wa billahi't tawfiq.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  16. Umar99

    Umar99 Veteran

    I am not trying to find fault or say the Imams made a mistake, I am in no position to do such a thing, I was stating I was unable to find the part where Imam Suyuti Rahmat Allah Alayh writes of the narrations concerning the souls returning in Sharh as Sudoor and if anyone could show me where it is, that is why i said "I cannot seem to find the narrations" rather than "the narrations are not there". Brother you have misunderstood, I am trying to learn, not find fault in any Imam.

    JazakAllah Khair, I will take a look InShaAllah.

    That is how it was spelt in the translation by Muhammad Afthab Cassim al-Qaadiri Razvi Noori so I presumed it was the correct pronunciation, JazkAllah Khair for letting me know.

    Those quotes do not mention about the souls visiting homes, which is what I was inquiring about.
  17. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    if you just looked up the page number referred to, and couldn't find it - it is not alahazrat's fault.

    secondly, if you are young and learning, you should first read a few books on adab al-ilm. rather than trying to find fault or wonder if the imams were probably making a mistake.

    don't guess brother. and don't judge a book by its cover or its name. and if you are that eager to know, download a manuscript here, and satisfy your curiosity.

    and also, it is khizanah not khazanah. check it out.


    both the quotes from sharh al-sudur are very much there. so next time look closely before complaining.

    sharh al-sudur, p236.jpg

    sharh al-sudur, p252.jpg
    Contemplating Sufi and Bazdawi like this.
  18. Contemplating Sufi

    Contemplating Sufi New Member

    It surely is a masterpiece! But this translation is far from that! He butchered and desified an Arabic Literary masterpiece!
  19. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

  20. izz al-Din

    izz al-Din Well-Known Member

    I have read somewhere that shah 'Abd alHaq Muhaddith e Dihlevi, rahmat Allahi Ta'ala alayh, mentioned in one of his works, something similar about soul's.

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