what scholars say about Alahazrat

Discussion in 'Biographical Notes' started by Aqdas, Dec 2, 2014.

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  1. Aqdas

    Aqdas Staff Member

    1. Shaykh Muĥammad al-Marzūqī Abū Ĥusayn [1284-1365] the Mufti of Ĥanafīs and Qāđī of Makkah in his endorsement to Husam al-Haramayn

    The noble master, the great and meritorious scholar, Shaykh Aĥmed Riđā Khān al-Baraylawi - may Allāh táālā give him a long life and vouchsafe him in both worlds and safeguard his pen – the unsheathed sword upon the necks of the renegades – may it never lose its sheen. Aāmīn! O Allāh, Aāmīn. When I met him and my eyes fell upon him - may Allāh táālā protect him - I recalled the following verses:

    The harbingers had informed me much upon inquiry

    Of Aĥmed ibn Saýīd, and his goodness

    But then when I met him - No, by Allah!

    My ears had not seen more beautiful than what my eyes did.

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