I think Ulama know better. If there's no point naming them no point bringing them up bruv. And Again I think Ulama kiram know better. Circles, once again I think Ulama know better. who's kicked who out brother be clear. And which brand of AhleSunnat are you referring to bro, there's a few knocking about these days.
It serves no purpose to name people and debate about them but I was just making a general statement about how Ahle Sunnat ulema should behave. They must be willing to sit down together on a platform and sort out their issues, spend most of their work and effort on making people join Ahle Sunnat rather than kicking people out. If you look in other Islamic nations especially which are clearly Ahle Sunnat like Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt, we will see the ahle sunnat ulema having alot of differences than the Pakistani ulema, so what will we do in that situation? Issue fatwas, kick them out of ahle sunnat or sit down with them, make contacts, establish relations with them and so then influence them, the easier way is to expose people but the difficult way is to influence and guide them.
no one kicks anyone out, people themselves leave AhleSunnat due to their false beliefs. majority of the awam do not research disputed issues and remain oblivious. Therefore it is necessary to name individuals who hold dodgy beliefs so people can stay away from them. which big name Ulama have been 'kicked out of AhleSunnat'?
We have witnessed many top ulema being targeted, calling them names, kicking them out of sunniyat. Wouldn't it be better to just provide the correct Islamic stance with deep research so all Muslims can come and learn it, rather than pointing fingers at individuals and character assassinating them it's better to provide a deep knowledge research so the misguided person has no choice but to shut up and learn, his followers will also have no stance. Those who are blindfollowers or don't even care will betray ahle sunnat no matter what. In the 21st century its very important to research on Islam yourself to protect your imaan. If for example tomorrow someone claims we have 3 fard salah only, for sunniport it's better to share a well researched reply to this false belief rather than to attack individual people etc. To make SunniPort in to a Ahle sunnat research centre is the challenge.
AssalamuAlaikum to all. I am a new user but have been a guest visitor for a long time, I was an active member on Yanabi.com but since that forum has closed down I stopped being member on any forum due to the the high level of toxic conversations. I have still been a guest visitor on sunniport to learn on the topics that I have questions about so its has been well over a decade. But I registered today to allow the admins to know how important an online forum can be. People such as myself love to learn from them, to research on topics, to listen to different of opinions on different issues facing the ummah, to read in the library. Facebook or other platforms cannot provide this. The issue is ofcourse the level of toxic debates, hatred, pointing fingers, blame games, propaganda, lies, swearing, kicking people out of sunniyat, all this had made the members not be active or leave altogether. I guess we cannot change people no matter what we do but we all should remember educated people, people with Imaan always debate in a peaceful respectful manner, they work hard to glue the ahle sunnat together, not find ways to destroy it. It would be beneficial for all Muslims, especially ahle sunnat if SunniPort is made in to a learning platform for all, platform where deep research is done on issues facing ahle sunnat and Muslims, so people can come learn, even those who hold controversial beliefs can come learn from this platform and change their ways, a place where noone is targetted but only the correct stance is made clear with research.
This is very true. As for controversies, would it not be more feasible to inform some of the more knowledgeable people of said controversy in PM and allow them to make a locked thread where they adress the said issue instead of having a weekly thread with "Mufti XYX said .... problematic statement", flooded with plenty of irrelevant comments.
to discuss any issue or a mas'alah one can cite from a book. if you are asking for specific answers, in specific situations - especially in issues such as trade, interest, nikah, talaq, and myriad issues of mu'amalat - you need to ask a mufti. generic questions related to prayer, taharah, hajj can be answered by someone knowledgeable on our forum.
So why is there a Hanafi fiqh section on here? Which website? Seekerspath is good but they have limited resources which is clear from how many questions they can answer.
but hazrat, you are withholding from others what they can immensely benefit from. you can answer a number of issues (probably better than me, if i may say) - and it will be of common benefit.
He is the only reason i/we visit Sunniport because Sunniport is not a fatwa website. it is always the best way to contact a local Sunni scholar or post questions on fatwa websites.
1. SP has many many gems but they are hidden. To get to them often you have to sidt through a lot of gossip and pointless discussions. 2. Also, there are a number or examples of people asking fiqh questions and those posts are empty with no replies. The controversial issues get all the attention. 3. Sheikh AH is the reason most people come here. Above are my experiences and things I wish you to take into account regarding the future of the website.
Salaam. Have logged in after many months. nice to know. I appreciate this problem and I think its high time we put an end to it - one way of the other. It's defiling our beautiful platform. This is a very broad brush. People are welcome to ask questions - but what kind of questions? As for logistics - I agree cent percent that so far I have not seen a better format than forums which answers to all these requirements. Look at the stack exchange sites - they are forums too and that hurts neither their popularity nor user engagement. They have evolved from mere techie stuff to all sorts of domains - from cooking to "world building" - and that too in approximatley the same time-frame in which twitter, fb, discord, whatsapp, telegram, Tiktok etc. hijacked the world of online converstation. So clearly, the forum format is not the elephant we are looking for - its something else. Yes, there are other use-cases where forums may hinder rather than help. I will post my concerns and recommendations in detail later - in sha' Allah.
the 'platform' AQ suggested is not only restrictive but is also pay-per-month. i don't want to get into the details but there is no other better platform than 'forum' for a community like ours. if you wish you can start a different thread to discuss pros-cons of software. vbulletin died long ago. the lead developers had a tiff with the new 'owners' who wanted to milk the existing codebase. developers wanted to rewrite the forum from scratch - but bosses didn't see value for themselves. classic short-term thinking they tried to force their way (bosses after all). so the developers left and started building a new product - xenforo. xenforo is one of the best forum software. btw, vb4 broke many huge sites including ahl al-hadith forums which probably never recovered. --- before talking of this platform or that - we need to ask what are our use-cases? we need a platform where - people can ask questions - only registered members can ask questions (and WE have control over keeping or saying goodbye to members) - questions asked can be replied by members - multiple responses ('posts') all grouped under the same 'question' - which is known as a 'thread' - search for keywords; search within posts of certain posters, etc - strictly my opinion: the forum is open for anyone to read - only participation requires membership - we keep it anonymous so anyone can post questions and participate (ask further qs, reply, objections etc): this is by design, because many young students or even scholars may feel shy of asking something. but if they need clarification, they can post anonymously. it has been my grouse - but i won't complain. i would have wished scholars to participate and answer queries - but unfortunately, our forum is seen as an outcast. some people even berate it on facebook, but still create anon profiles and post on SP. khayr. ===== an overwhelming majority of scholars live in a different world. they do not understand sociological problems of the day and the challenges of common muslims. if they are celebrities who have wealthy patrons, they do not even interact with the people on the street. scholars speak from the pulpit - in every sense of the word. if you look at our forum, a lot of thought has gone in organising categories. ---- facebook, twitter, are all ephemeral. they are here today, and tomorrow they will vanish. or fb, twitter etc can lock you out if the powers that be wish to throttle you. ---- many people think that new is always good and have been writing epitaphs for forums. i still believe that there is no other platform that is suited for community discussions such as forums. go ahead and convince me that FB or any other platform has a feature where you can search for relevant posts/comments and find them in a single place. once you have understood the objective of community forums, we can discuss platforms and features.
I think you should definitely keep it. Like Abdal Qadir I also think perhaps the content could be shifted to another platform. Although I'm not sure how that will be possible, with my IT background perhaps I could be of some service. Most off all I don't want to lose access to the wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and refernces I have accumulated through the bookmarks feature here.
I only come here to gain other perspectives. I find that it is always nice to learn and expand one’s viewpoint. I remember once making a post and getting advised (mild reprimand too) in inbox. Made a positive impact on my life in general.
I find this forum to be content rich. Thank you for creating this. May Allah ﷻ grant you sakinah of highest level. Here are my two cents of suggestions. 1. Adding a dedicated section to the forum as a "Darul Ifta" can be a helpful addition. People have already asked questions in every other section. 2. Does this forum is accessed via tapatalk app? If not maybe integrating with it would result in easy smartphone experience.
nostalgia perhaps - but vbulletin seems better, and more robust and versatile, as an end user - https://www.vbulletin.com/
i was thinking along technical lines, but couldn't post from the phone. please don't think about getting on telegram or whatsapp style platforms - they can be add on's, but don't let them be the main meat and potatoes the forum format is good for discussion and exchange of ideas i don't know what kind of a nightmare it will be in terms of transferring data, but i suggest take it up a notch and 1) build a private community - don't know much about it, but i was investigating ning once - https://www.ning.com/pricing/ - maybe there are other venues like it elsewhere too. i simply detest facebook and twitter and their censorship rules and cancel culture. we (Muslims in general) need our own private communities or censorship-free platforms 2) include audio and/or video podcasts - searchable text is good and very necessary but more can be said in spoken word, and in today's, rather everyday's, world it's a necessary tool of da'wah - oratory cannot be emphasized enough in deen, and we need it from any few sincere people like you or Asrar Rashid others can add their pov's