Masha Allah. Beautiful translation. May Allah ﷻ reward you. Yahiphūl khār se dūr hai, yahi sham'á hai KE dhuwāń nahīń In the eleventh couplet you used the word 'He' to refer to the Prophet ﷺ the first and second instances and to refer to Allah ﷻ on the third instance. The lay men might misunderstand this to be a reference to the Prophet ﷺ in the third instance as well due to the style of translation. Perhaps the translation should be: He is a prophet who has these places, God is He who is free from place What are your thoughts? جزاك الله خيرا
12th Rabi al-Awwal 1440 AH Bismillāhi'r Rahmāni'r Rahīm --- 1. Wo kamāl e husn e huzūr hai, ke gumān e naqs jahāń nahīń Yahi phūl khār se dūr hai, yahi sham'á hai dhuwāń nahīń That is the apex of prophetic beauty, that even the thought of a flaw doesn't exist; This is the flower without any thorns, this is the lantern without any smoke Never mind a flaw, even the possibility of a flaw doesn't exist in RasulAllah ﷺ. --- 2. Do jahāń ki behtariyāń nahīń, ke amāniye dil o jāń nahīń Kaho kyā hai wo jo yahāń nahīń, magar ik nahīń ke wo hāń nahīń The blessings of both worlds, safety for both life and soul; Tell us, what is there that RasulAllah ﷺ doesn't grant, yes, only that the word 'no' isn't found here --- 3. Maiń nisār tere kalām par, mili yūń to kis ko zabāń nahīń Wo sukhan hai jis meiń sukhan na ho, wo bayāń hai jis ka bayāń nahīń I'm sacrificed upon your discourse, none was given a tongue like yours; It's that speech which leaves us speechless, it's that oration which is beyond words --- 4. Bakhudā khudā ka yahi hai dar, nahīń aur koyi mafar maqar Jo wahāń se ho yahiń aa ke ho, jo yahāń nahīń to wahāń nahīń By Allah! This is the door to God, there is no other refuge or succour; Who is with Allah has to come to RasulAllah ﷺ, who isn't with RasulAllah ﷺ, he cannot reach Allah --- 5. Ka're Mustafa ki ihānateń, khule bandoń is pe ye jur'ateń Ke maiń kyā nahīń hūń Muhammadi, arey hāń nahīń arey hāń nahīń He insults Mustafa, openly, such is his audacity; (Then asks) Am I not Muslim? Yes, you're not, you're not! --- 6. Tere ā'ge yūń haiń da'be lache, fusahā árab ke ba'ŕe ba'ŕe Koyi jāneń muńh meiń zubāń nahīń, nahīń bal'ke jism meiń jāń nahīń Before you, they are fearful, the most eloquent of Arabia; As if they have no tongue, nay, as if they are lifeless --- 7. Wo sharaf ke qat'áh haiń nisbateń, wo karam ke sab se qarīb haiń Koyi kah do yās o umīd se, wo kahīń nahīń woh kahāń nahīń Such nobility that all connections are severed, such benevolence that he is close to all; Go say to dejection that it has no space here, and to hope, that it is found everywhere here RasulAllah ﷺ is so great that who can have any nisbah with him? Nothing compares to him. Yet his mercy is such that he is close to one and all. Thus, in the person of the prophet ﷺ, there is no room for dejection and despair; and for hope, it is found everywhere in the person of RasulAllah ﷺ. --- 8. Ye nahīń ke khuld na ho niko, woh nikoyi ki bhi hai ābru Magar ay madīney ki ārzu, jise chāhe tū woh samāń nahīń It's not that jannah isn't beautiful, but it's beauty is virtue of this; But O desire of Madinah! The heart that contains you, nothing else compares to it --- 9. Hai unhiń ke nūr se sab áyāń, hai unhiń ke jalwah meiń sab nihāń Bane subh tābish e mehr se, rahe peysh e mehr ye jāń nahīń Everything exists through his light, everything becomes hidden due to his lightsome countenance; As dawn disappears with sunrise, every light disappears before the sun of prophethood The light of true dawn disappears with the rising of the Sun, and the light of everything else dwindles upon the arrival of the light of RasulAllah ﷺ. --- 10. Wahi nūr e haqq wahi żill e rabb, hai unhiń kā sab hai unhiń se sab Nahīń un ki milk meiń āsmāń, ke zamīń nahīń ke zamāń nahīń He is the light of Allah, he is the deputy of the Lord, his is everything and from him is everything; Not only the heavens is his dominion, but the worlds and all times --- 11. Wahi lā makāń ke makīń huwe, sar e ársh takht nashīń huwe Wo nabiy haiń jin ke haiń ye makāń, wo khudā hai jis kā makāń nahīń He reached lā makāń, sat on the divine throne; He is a prophet who has these places, God is He who is free from place --- 12. Sar e ársh par hai teri guzar, dil e farsh par hai teri nazar Malakūt o mulk meiń koyi shay, nahīń wo jo tujh pe áyāń nahīń You traverse the divine throne, your vision is upon every heart of the earth; There is nothing in the angelic realm and creation, which is not included in your knowledge --- 13. Karūń tere nām pe jāń fidā, na bas ayk jāń do jahāń fidā Do jahāń se bhi nahīń jī bharā, karūń kyā karoŕoń jahāń nahīń Shall I sacrifice my life for you, not just one life but both realms; Nay, I'm not content with two realms, I would sacrifice millions of worlds for you --- 14. Terā qad to nādir e dahr hai, koyi misl ho to misāl de Nahīń gul ke pawdoń meiń đāliyāń, ke chaman meiń sarw e chumāń nahīń Your body is unmatched in creation, if there's a similitude then present it; Neither the stems of the rose nor the elegant cypress tree compare --- 15. Nahīń jis ke rang ka dosarā, na to ho koyi na kabhī huwā Kaho us ko gul kahe kyā koyi, ke guloń ka đheyr kahāń nahīń No one like him in two worlds, there won't be nor has there been; Say! How shall we call him a rose when roses are plentiful everywhere There is no one like RasulAllah ﷺ so how can we compare him to a rose of which there are millions? #Alahazrat says دوسرا. This is a homonyn. It can mean second/other or two worlds. --- 16. Karūń mad'h ahl e duwal Razā, paŕe is balā meiń meri balā Maiń gadā hūń apne karīm kā, merā dīn pārah e nāń nahīń That I praise the affluent, Raza, may all my afflictions betide this affliction; I am a servant of my generous master, my religion is not a piece of bread #Alahazrat