islam tera des hai, tu mustafawi hai! wataniyyat (ya'ani watan ba haysiyyat eyk siyasi tasawwur key) is daur meiN may aur hai jaam aur hai jam aur saaqi ney binaa ki rawish e lutf o sitam aur muslim ney bhi ta'amir kiya apna haram aur tahzeeb key aazar ney tarashwaaye sanam aur in taza khudaoN meiN baDaa sab sey watan hai jo payrahan iska hai, woh maz'hab ka kafan hai yeh buth key tarasheedah e tahzeeb e nawee hai gharat gar e kaashanah e deen e nabawi hai baazu tera tawheed ki quwwat sey qawi hai islam tera des hai tu mustafawi hai nazzarah e deyreenah zamane ko dikha dey ay mustafawi! khaak meiN is buth ko milaa dey! ho qayd e maqami to natijah hai tabahi rah e bahr mein, azaad e watan, surat e mahi hai tark e watan sunnat e mahbuub e ilaahi dey tuu bhi nubuwwat ki sadaqat pey gawahi guftar e siyasat meiN watan aur hi kuch hai irshad e nubuwwat meiN watan aur hi kuch hai aqwam e jahan meiN hai riqabat to isi sey taskheer hai maqsud e tijarat to isi sey khali hai sadaqat sey siyasat to isi sey kamzor ka ghar hota hai ghaarat to isi sey aqwam meiN makhluq e khuda bat-ti hai is sey qawmiyyat e islam ki jaD kat-ti hai is sey ---------------------------------- nationalism (on the idea of 'nation' as a political concept) the cup and wine are of a different kind in this age, the cupbearer has created a new scene of enjoyment and melee muslims have also created a new sanctuary of their own the sculptors of 'culture' have created new idols among these new gods, the biggest is 'nation' the garb of this (nationalism), is the shroud of religion these idols, that are chiseled by 'modern culture' are the cause of ravaging the religion of Mustafa sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam (o muslim!) your arm is strengthened by the power of tawhid your country is islam, and you are a mustafawi! show the world, the spectacle of yore o mustafawi! break these idols and shatter them to dust the result of being shackled to local and provencial, is destruction and the one who is free from such fetters of nationalism is free like fish in the sea to leave your country is the tradition of Allah's beloved sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam bear witness (by following him) that prophet is truthful 'nation' in the parlance of politics is something else and 'nation' in the teaching of the prophet is something else communities in the world fight on account of this (nationalism based on geographical areas) to influence by conducting business is also on account of this politics is bereft of truthfulness because of this (jingoism) and the homes of the poor and weak are ruined because of this communities in this world are divided because of this nationalism hacks at the very roots of islamic community. - allamah iqbal