Shaykh Asrar has a lecture partially answering your question Also see here:
Asalam Alaikum What is the exact status of the hadith of uthman bin Hunaif with the addition of the story of the blind man which can be found in the Mu'jam al-Kabir of al-Tabarani 9/17 and the Mu'jam al-Saghir of the same author 1/183 and where can its Mu'tabiyat be found. Which hadith master has authenticated it with the addtion of the blind man. What has been said against this hadith by Wahabis and how should we answer them As far as i have seen its chain seems sound but there has been some criticism regarding Abdullah bin Wahb and his narrations from Shabib as can be see in ibn Adi's Al-Kamil As much references as possible please The answer is needed urgently. Jazakumullahu khair