Separate names with a comma.
This question has been lingering in my mind for so long and I had no place to ask it. I see conflicting opinions on this. A lot of the general...
From Madani Bookstore
Salaam Welcome to our new project. We are starting this thread as a central place for sunni twitteratis to report tweets that require refutation...
Shaykh Abd al-Aziz al-Khatib al-Shami told me his views are not in line with the 4 madhabs. Asalamu Alaikum Jazakallah for your answer Not...
Shaykh Asrar has a lecture partially answering your question [MEDIA] Also see here:...
Bumping this because we have a qualified brother on the Razaviyah Discord server teaching Bahare Shariat Volume 1 every Sunday 5pm UK time...
Imam Hasan Basri relates that two men came to Mawla Ali during his khilafah and asked about khilafah: 'is this an order of RasulAllah ﷺ or your...
Jazakallah brother. In times like today i have to be wary of what i read.o_O
Assalamu alaykum, brother. Do some people claim that it is only bidah and not kufr even if the person saying "Allah is a jism" knows the meaning...
Shaykh Abu Adam says: May 18, 2008 at 11:20 am He says in it that it is not kufr to deny resurrection or to claim that the world is eternal....
Admission deadline has been extended so you can still apply Sorry bhai, I live and go to uni in Central London. Bradford is too far
Brother i came across this, A detailed refutation of the modern Azhari manhaj & Mufti Dr Ali Gomma's fatwa on shaking hands with women in light...
A great new series on Youtube! Delighted Sunnis are promoting the great awliya in English!
Is the man in the video , shaykh Asrar's brother? Yes