The Attributes of Allah According to the Pseudo Salafis

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by Aqib alQadri, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    Salafis say Allah performs Jogging / Trotting

    In Fatawa al-Aqida sh. Muhammad b. Salih b. Uthaimin, page 112, is quoted saying:

    وأي مانع يمنع من أن نؤمن بأن الله تعالى يأتي هرولة

    "What could forbid us from believing that Allah performs jogging/trotting [harwala]?" ​

    And this is from the Lajnatud-Da'imah lil-Buhuthul `Ilmiyyah wal-Ifta / The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Fatawa (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia):

    فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء ج3ص196 :
    ( س : هل لله صفة الهرولة ؟
    ج : نعم ، على نحو ما جاء في الحديث القدسي الشريف على ما يليق به قال تعالى : إذا تقرب إليّ العبد شبرا تقربت إليه ذراعا وإذا تقرب إليّ ذراعا تقربت منه باعاً وإذا أتاني ماشياً أتيته هرولة . رواه البخاري وسلم ).

    Rough Translation:

    Q: Is Jogging (Harwala) an attribute of Allah?

    A: Yes, as it has been shown in the Hadith Qudsi al-Shareef ..... "... and if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running." Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] Link to KSA Website
  2. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    Salafis say Allah has a Shadow

    Says Sh. Ibn Baz [may Allah have mercy on him]:

    مسألة في الصفات
    في حديث السبعة الذين يظلهم الله في ظله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله، فهل يوصف الله تعالى بأن له ظلاً؟​

    نعم كما جاء في الحديث، وفي بعض الروايات: ((في ظل عرشه))[1] لكن الصحيحين ((في ظله))، فهو له ظل يليق به سبحانه لا نعلم كيفيته مثل سائر الصفات، الباب واحد عند أهل السنة والجماعة. والله ولي التوفيق.​


    [1] أخرجه البخاري في كتاب الأذان، باب من جلس في المسجد ينتظر الصلاة، برقم 660، ومسلم في كتاب الزكاة، باب فضل إخفاء الصدقة، برقم 1031.​

    مجموع فتاوى ومقالات متنوعة المجلد الثامن والعشرون​

    Rough Translation:

    Issue relating to the Attributes [of Allah]:

    In the hadith of the seven of those who will be shaded by Allah in His shadow on the day that there is no shadow save His shadow, is this attributing Allah the Exalted with a shadow?


    Yes, as is reported in the Hadith and in some transmissions : "in the shadow of His throne". But, in the Sahihayn it is : "in His shadow" for He has a shadow that is befitting to Him, the Glorious, and we do not know its modality (Kayf) just like the rest of His attributes...

    [Unlike Sh. Ibn Baz, however, some of his own major colleagues from the Salafi theologians deny this so-called Attribute he affirms for Allah! For example, the notorious Rabi' Ibn Hadi al-Madkhalee says that the shadow is the shade of the 'Arsh]
  3. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    Salafis say Allah is Surrounding the World

    Says Sh. al-Albani:

    This is something similar to what was mentioned by the pseudo-Salafi theologian Shaykh Haitham Hamdan who is an administrator of the Multaqa Ahl al-Hadeeth forums:

    ...and a diagram of Um Abdullah / NMS / Musleemah also posted on the same Ahl al-Hadeeth forum:

  4. faqir

    faqir Veteran

    Salafis object to Muslims declaring Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala transcendent beyond possessing body, parts and limbs:

    Sh. Ibn Baz said:

    9_ Then As-Sabuni –May Allah guide him- mentioned declaring Allah transcendent beyond possessing body (al-jism), pupils (al-hadaqa), auditory meatus (al-simâkh), tongue (al-lisân), and larynx (al-hanjara); [End of Sabuni's words- beginning of Ibn Baz's words] and this is not the position of Ahl al-Sunna but rather that of the scholars of condemned kalâm and their contrivance , for Ahl As-sunnah do not negate something about Allah except what He negates about Hisself or what his Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم negated, and they do not affirm for Him (Allah) except what He affirmed for Hisself or what the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم affirmed for Him, and it was not mentioned in the nusoos (the Quran and Sunnah) negation of these things (that As-Sabuni mentioned) or its affirmation; so it is obligatory to stop there and not to confront it with neither negation or affirmation, and what Ahl As-sunnah said suffices in the affirmation of Allah's attributes and names that He does resemble in it his creation, and that He (glorified be He) has no match. Imam Ahmad [rahimahu Allah] said: "Allah is not to be described except with what He described Himself with or what His Messenger described Him with, it does not exceed the Quran and Hadith".


    Similarly the Wahhabi editor of "I'itiqad A'immat Al-Hadith", a book attributed to Al-Hafidh Abu Bakr Al-Isma'ili (d. 371 H.) objected to the following statement:

    ولا يعتقد فيه الأعضاء، والجوارح، ولا الطول والعرض، والغلظ، والدقة، ونحو هذا مما يكون مثله في الخلق، وأنه ليس كمثله شيء تبارك وجه ربنا ذو الجلال والإكرام.
    "We do not believe that He (Allah swt) is composed of parts or limbs, nor do we believe that He is attributed with length or width.."

    In his explanatory footnote the editor said, as translated Here and posted on the 'Salafi' Multaqa Ahl al-Hadeeth forums here:

    Note: In the introduction to the translation the editor of this text is mentioned to be the contemporary Pseudo-Salafi theologian Shaykh Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Rahmân Al-Khumayyis. And Allah knows best.
  5. faqir

    faqir Veteran


    1) Salafis believe that 'declaring Allah transcendent beyond possessing body (al-jism), pupils (al-hadaqa), auditory meatus (al-simâkh), tongue (al-lisân), and larynx (al-hanjara) ... is not the position of Ahl al-Sunna but rather that of the scholars of condemned kalâm and their contrivance'.

    2) Salafis believe in a God surrounding the universe.

    3) Salafis believe in a God who has a shadow.

    4) Salafis believe in a God who jogs.

    5) Salafis believe in a God who sits.

    6) Salafis believe in a God who has limits.

    7) Salafis believe in a God who has a form.

    8) Salafis believe in a God located in a direction.

    9) Salafis believe in a God who has a waist.

    10) Salafis believe in a God who gets bored.

    11) Salafis believe in a God who hesitates.

    12) Salafis believe in a God who settles on a throne.

    13) Salafis believe in a God who is silent.

    [to be updated, insha'Allah]

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