Wajid Iqbal on Tafdil and with minhajis

Discussion in 'Refutation' started by Aqdas, Mar 23, 2023.

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  1. Muhammad Husnain

    Muhammad Husnain New Member

    Wajid Iqbal has recently sent the following message on a whatsapp group of tafzilis/ abdul qadir shah followers.

    Wajid said:

    "According to ala hazrat there is ijma on this issue therefore, he concluded that that person would be out of ahl sunnah. That is mutalqan meaning that he believes them to be afzal overall.

    However, if he believes it to be by love or by virtue the that person is sunni.

    Similarly, if someone with evidences states there is no ijma on this issue and states that it is jamhoor and believes that sayyiduna abu bakr is afzal, is still a sunni.

    Denying something has ijma is a matter of usul/principle and can be disputed.

    We have many disputes that we claim there is ijma as hanafis and the shafiis deny it."

    [End of Wajid quote]

    So according to Wajid the issue of tafzil doesn't matter? A person can just say it is jumhoor and doesn't matter if you deny afzaliyya mutlaqa of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه?

    Wajid has also stated here that its like a difference between Hanafis and Shafi'is!

    What is the difference between wajid and abdul qadir shah Walthamstow in this now? He also considers it as jumhoor and allows people to deny afzaliyya.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022

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