Whose Qualities are these?

Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by abu Hasan, Mar 2, 2017.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    if you are a sunni and confused, then take heart from this couplet:

    sunniyo un se madad maange jaO
    padey baktey raheN bakney waaley

    Ghulam Ali, Unbeknown and Noori like this.
  2. Layman

    Layman Banned

    Please accept my apology for any upset. There was perhaps some selfishness in my stance, i've become confused. This should be my last post, as to stop the fitna. I did not mean to raise some of the subjects which this thread naturally raised, such as praise, please forgive me.

    If you look at the actual couplet it is possible to read it in a way that it becomes a challenge to being kareem. Kareem wo hai jis se. Jo maaNga jai de, Jab maaNga jai (kareem is who gives, what is asked, when asked...)

    I did not feel I should hold this stance nor should it be taught like that, for its demanding element. I AM PROBABLY WRONG

    Also I have become confused on other things, the other element of the couplets..again as to what my personal stance should be. The role of istigasa, permitted I know, but then some people say Dua to Allaah is necessary all the time. Hence I am concerned about over emphasis on istigasa and whether it would constitute bad innovation. Whether bi-iznillah should be stressed much much more, whether applying these couplets, with their ability to be read in absoluteness, for the Prophet SallAllaahu alaihi wa alihi wa sallam is liked in our circumstances or not.

    The cause for concern on this/these subjects upon myself and our people can be gleaned from here: http://sunniport.com/index.php?threads/need-exact-quote-of-mufti-yar-khan.13677/

    and here: recent thread about noor, unable to find link

    Again I apologise for any shortcomings that you guys have seen as obvious

    *contact to scholarship is limited for me, and an unsure person is unable to choose a pir or a scholar.

    As Salamu Alaikum
    Noori likes this.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    if you don't know, you ought to learn. not preach.
    you actually thought that those couplets couldn't even be used to describe Allah ta'ala, until shown otherwise.

    this is mukabarah. needlessly getting upset over non-issues; making a mountain out of a molehill; then making more absurd statements to justify one's own overreaction; and then refusing to accept or even keep quiet when proven wrong. mukabarah.

    al-iyadhu billah.

    it is possible as i myself mentioned - that your ignorance couldn't place it properly and you took it to build a case, instead of asking whether he was indeed translating right. because, he was translating into english from a tafsir. noori bhai said:
    and don't tell me you don't recall the word 'tu'azziruhu' from the qur'an. if you did, it would be clear:

    1. that there is a word 'tu'azziruhu' in the qur'an
    2. there must be a famous person known as 'mubarrad'*
    3. he has explained the above word as tafsir.
    4. which was translated as 'exaggerated'.

    even if you were a layman, but a sincere one, you would ask - hey does 'tuazziruhu' translate to exaggerated?
    instead, what you did was picked it up from there, added "(lying)" from your own understanding and mistaken presumption. and took to the pulpit.

    clearly it was agenda driven; not sincere approach to knowledge or clarification.
    nas'alu Allaha al-aafiyah.

    *originally mubarrid, thereafter it became mubarrad. arabic grammarian and exegete, see siyar 13/576; muhammad ibn yazid al-azdi, the author of 'al-kamil'. d.286 AH


    did the people in the masjid put a gun to your head asking you to believe in the literal meaning of those lines? did they say that you should recite this next to kalimah-tawHid else you are not a muslim? just what stops you from a 'favourable reading'?

    at your level, you must seek out a proper aalim and learn aqidah taHawiyyah.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
    Ghulam Ali, Bazdawi, Aqdas and 2 others like this.
  4. Layman

    Layman Banned

    Ignorance is bliss, so I do not know if I know basic aqeedah. We all assume we do.

    I can't understand arabic either but I still need to know where my proofs are if i take a belief right? If you could translate this and cite reference that would be beneficial for me and others at my level
  5. Layman

    Layman Banned

    I honestly thought he meant exaggeration when he said exaggeration, mubaligha when he said mubaligha, many other things have been wrongly attributed to me by Abu Hassan. Khair

    Under a favourable reading (non literal, understanding) ALL are possible!
  6. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    and post #29:
    your post is inane and utter nonsense. you don't even know what you want or what you are blabbering in your delirium. get some sleep and talk some sense.

    you also said:
    you decide on definitions, without clarifying and then go about in your delirium.

    thereafter you bared your heart.
    now that you have bared your heart, can you tell us whether you are really a sunni or just another wahabi troll?
    Bazdawi and Noori like this.
  7. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    indeed, but it was obvious that by exaggeration i meant utmost respect and lofty praises, not lies.
  8. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    we all make mistakes - but for someone picking out on words and smugly teaching us how to look up dictionaries, he ought to have been more careful.
  9. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    what makes you think that these are lies? if you are truthful, show us which of these lines are lies and WHY.

    do you think the prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam:

    1. DOES NOT give whatever is asked for?

    2. DOES NOT give when you ask?

    3. DOES NOT gives however much you ask for?

    4. DOES NOT give more then you need?

    5. DOES NOT gives all the time?

    6. DOES NOT give to everyone?

    al-iyadhu billah.


    you are a layman - jahil who probably doesn't even know basic aqidah. look what SaHabah said about RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam:
    and if your heart burns because of this, do malamat on your own nafs instead of faulting others.


    will a layman teach SaHabah how to praise RasulALlah sallALlahu alayhi wa sallam.

    come now, tell me what about this line - which the SaHabah used to repeat and mentioned in bukhari:

    "by his face, clouds are beseeched for water" ghuluw? al-iyadhu billah.

    bukhari 1008.png

    what about this hadith in shamayil that says: "RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam was more generous than the cool breeze"
    shamayil, #353.

    shamayil 353.png
    ghuluww? al-iyadhu billah.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2017
  10. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    I too wrote mubaligha while i knew that it is from baab mufa'alah (بالغ/يبالغ/مبالغة), bad habits don't go easily.
  11. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    the problem with 'exaggeration' : actually, it is a bad choice of word by brother noori. he meant excessively or intensively.

    but a layman who is quick to refer to dictionaries, couldn't place that - either he couldn't figure it out or he deliberately chose to comment on the mistranslation. either way, not in good faith.

    it is mubaalaghah not mubaligha.

    and if your depth is limited to a few hollow internet searches, then better keep quiet. mubalagah does not always mean hyperbole. it has many meanings, and it is not necessary that the meaning fixed in your shallow learning IS the only thing.

    and what does it mean? hamariweb is dictionary used by newbies. refer to a proper dictionary instead:

    this is lughat e kishwari, which mentions different kinds of mubalagah. not every mubalaghah is a lie; only minds with limited reach will be sated with one definition.
    lughat kishwari, p427.png

    and here is platts: [know platts? if not, look it up]

    platts p988.png

    if you want more i can give you more references from farsi and arabic dictionaries. but what is the point?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2017
    Ghulam Ali, Bazdawi and Noori like this.
  12. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    now a layman - and he has proven himself to be a jahil - will teach saHabah how to praise RasulAllah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

    first he came with problem with lines, i waited.
    second he said even Allah ta'ala cannot be attributed with such lines
    i showed him that his assumptions were a product of ignorance and misplaced zeal.

    then he said, he was against the website.

    then he brought in 'aalimu'l ghayb' to juxtapose 'karim'; when showed that the former is not permissible but latter is indeed even mentioned in the qur'an and hadith, he fled to ghuluww.

    then he attacked the ahl al-sunnah as contributing to misguiding people - ya sub'HanAllah! calling your prophet as generous is ghuluww? misleading?

    when shown that there is no ghuluww in praising the prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam so long as it does not contravene tawHid or contradict shariah, he came back with definitions of exaggeration, mubalagha etc.

    then he wants praise but limited to literal truth.

    now, when things are getting hot, and he realised that he will be whacked, he needs a break...

    first he came out with faux humility and soon his mask fell off - now he demands answers with such arrogance, that only his ignorance can match.
    so we have to wait...
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
    Ghulam Ali, Bazdawi and Noori like this.
  13. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    I thought my post to which you replied was the end of the confusion. nevertheless, I re-iterate here the position of the ahleSunnah:-

    Whatever you say in praise of the Holy prophet, IS NOT GULUW.

    he IS the best, the most exemplary, the most honorable as can be. actually much more than what we can comprehend. his status, his rank INCREASES every day. the only thing is to be wary of attributing things that are impossible, or are solely for Allah ta'ala.

    who?? are they scholars? name them pls

    it is ONLY the ahleSunnah who are on guidance.

    and our scholars are not responsible for everything that everyone does in the name of ahleSunnah.
    Ghulam Ali, Noori and Layman like this.
  14. Layman

    Layman Banned

    No I can't, I'll get it wrong.

    note: I'm taking time out to reflect due to good post by noori. Be back later
  15. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    yes, you have not. you have come to reveal your disgust against al ahlussunah wal jama'ah.
  16. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    what is the truth, can you define what is his alaihi afDalus salat wat-tasleem status.
  17. Layman

    Layman Banned

    What does mubaligha mean?
    Urdu website hamariweb is saying it means hyperbole

    • Hyperbole

    1. (n.) A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.

    Why can't we praise The Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa alihi wa sallam in truth?
  18. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    i gave quote from shifa sharif that we should do mubaligha in doing ta'zim and status of rasulAllah, and presented imam buseeri's couplets that as long as you do not say what christians have said for Yisa alahi afDalus salat wat-tasleem, then you can say whatever you want. if you really reflect then this leaves only mumkinaat, so whatever is possible (and respectful) can be attributed to rasulAlah alaihi afDalus salat wat-tasleem. shaykh abdul haq muhadith dehlavi says

    ہر مرتبہ کہ بود در امکان برو است ختم
    ہر نعمتے کہ داشت خدا شد برو تمام

    every rank which is possible has been given to him
    (and) every blessing that Allah created is bestowed upon him

    apprently, you don't seem to accept the opinions of early imaams, and pushing your distored and poor understanding to others. you are not imam qaDi iY'aD, nor shaykh Abdul Haq rahimahumaAllah.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2017
  19. Layman

    Layman Banned

    I believe that, yes. Its no agenda. I have come to Ahlus Sunnah die hards for clarification, have I not?
  20. Noori

    Noori Senior Moderator

    where is the contradiction?

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