See from 18:00 min onward, again at 26:25 (more details continued later), also 36:25-37:50. Whole speech, esp after 13:19 min, worth listening. My earlier link should have been:ā.14514/page-3#post-69502
To this, I will add another point of disagreement. Did Sayyidah Fatima (radiAllahu anha) "sulk" after Sayyiduna abu Bakr's (radiAllahu anhu) verdict/clarification on fadak? Few speakers can be heard saying that Sayyidah was unhappy after the clarification. Mufti Tayyib Naqshbandi says that unhappiness (or not maintaining terms) is narrated only in 1 hadith and that could be the "waham" of raawi (narrator). Few scholars have refuted this notion outright saying that she gladly accepted the clarification and she had no reason to reject Sayyiduna abu Bakr's decision. --- What seems to be missing in all these conflicting opinions and recriminations is the hikmah behind Sayyidah's action/request (if any).
Also the mode of request needs to be addressed - directly or thru a delegate/representative? Request never occurred absolutely or just didn't occur in person?