take out any clip from india/pak about some congressia joining bjp or vice versa; or some pmln guy joining ppp or pti or so on. expect more such videos in this honeymoon phase. this guy reminds me of sharad pawar the technical term for such people is dalbadlu in india or lota in pak irfan deserves a hashtag #irfanlota tbh, at least paqs has been consistent in his heresy, lotas are worse 'coz they keep changing their colors
Jalali camp as usual further exposing Iran Shah Rafizi on his joining arms with PAQ. Wake up UK ulema, its your turn now! The janaza Iran Shah attended was that of Sabir Shah, PAQs brother, who was a gustakh of Sahaba, and even wrote in his book that Imam Hasan was poisoned by none other that Hazrat Ameer e Muawiyah!
a shiah is known by the company he keeps. sad for irfan shah - more humiliation in store. nas'alu Allah al-aafiyah.
To be fair the Sunnis that follow Shaykh Asrar would already be at least lukewarm about Shah Sahib after the Shaykh's previous statements. If anyone should make statements, it should be those who said they would be releasing things soon. Probably best to leave Shah Sahib to it as mentioned previously by associating yourself with those who have fringe opinions end up being on the fringes of themselves.
Brother Aqdas, can Shaykh Asrar issue a statement as well, better a clip advising the awaam to disassociate with Irfan Shah? It is high time UK ulema come forward and Shaykh Asrar has a good following amongst UK youth. It will help the sunni cause in UK tremendously. I don't have any expectations from Azmi Sahib tbh!
It is high time for other Ulama to come out and make such statements too. These kind of people need to know they can’t mess with sunniyat. Where’s the joint statement this time?
A bit fed up with all this constant masala and frustrated with the lack of action of Ulama about this issue. Thought Ulama met and gave Shah Sahib an ultimatum. The deadline is over, now what? If they are waiting for Bareilly to pronounce something—not going to happen soon and makes us look like we’re disorganised. If you give an ultimatum you need to follow through otherwise no one will take you seriously. Plus this is a UK problem, shouldn’t UK Ulama issue something, even if a short statement to say—unreliable, don’t go to him. Not sure why this has to be dragged for so long.
The Faizan of the custodians Live link for conference at Golra Sharif https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=566128794433727
does this mean that golra shareef's custodians are hoisting the banner of sulh-kulliyat and burying the legacy of their illustrious ancestors under the fragrant chadars and rose petals of their blessed mazaraat (rahimahumullah)? be-kasi ab kaun uthaega nishaane ahle-bayt? what a desecration!
All enemies of Islam gathering together. May the curse of Allah be upon them! Just look at the nahusat on their faces. And Nawazuddin must be very honoured to have his picture next in line to Tariq Jameel and directly below a wahabi!
False advertising by snakes of various camps coming together in the same pit. Using the banner of Khatme Nubuwwat to promote Sullah kulliyat with the Deobandi and Shiah camps who themselves have a history of rejecting it.
A lightning strike of hikmah and common sense. I wouldn't hold my breath. (illa ma sha Allah a tiny minority)
So is PAQ saying that for 10 years the Sunnis tried to make Iran Shah a sheep but finally the lion has come out? So in essence Iran Shah was gumrah all these years and finally by becoming a Rafizi is now on the correct path! And all this on the presence of Iran Shah. Why don't the UK ulema openly label Iran Shah out of the Ahle sunnat? What are they waiting for now?