That is what you are asked to prove. Bring evidence that he has retracted. Either his written statement or his verbal statement. If you can't,then ask Mufti Miraj or Mufti Shamsul Huda to help you. Let them testify this. In every case the responsibility is upon you. A written statement from Mufti Miraj or Mufti Shams will be sufficient, along with date and their name. Please bring some evidence or else you are like Dr Tahir who makes claim but when asked to bring evidence runs away.
The edict of Mufti Akhtar should be translated into English for the benefit of the English speakers. I would do so myself if time permitted.
Whether we like SS or not is irrelevant. With regards to Mawlana Abdul Shakur doing Rujū, he is correct that it should be open in the same way his attestation was public. Brother Arshad, I do not doubt you regarding this matter that Shaykh ul Hadith Sahib must have been forced but he needs to make his retraction public. If you are in contact with him, you should ask him to give it us in writing or an audio. Being a Shaykh ul Hadith, I am sure he will understand.
I Urge everyone not to give any attention to the distraction, but read the Radd of Mufti Akhtar Raza which I shared post #403. It shows clearly how manipulative and deceptive Nizamuddin works with Shariah and Fatawa. Glorifiying the Qawl and deed of Ubaidullaah and attributing it towards the Shariah.
Yes indeed a retraction comes after an announced verdict/attestion not sooner, what you show is the attestion and what was retracted (after). And a retraction can be verbally, it is not contrary or against the Shariah to base this upon Ulama who work with Sheikhul Hadith and talked and discussed with him, sit next to him, this is your Nizamuddin/Ubaid way of working to state or indirectly claim it is, or to claim it is a slander. The unimportant/distracting case your "telephonecall message" accepted (unknown who actually called, if called, when, what actually said and how interpreted (famous team nizamuddin taweelaat) etc etc) or my hearing personally from two of Ashrafia who can be informed anytime. Admin is there any way I can block SS from my view (he falsely accuses me and then claims that the "Shariah" orders me to do something based on an untraceable telephone call?!) Furthermore it helps Sjayateen to distract from the effort to protect the Deen of the lie of team Nizamuddin upon the Shariah who did Tahseen of Ram and taught Mushrik how Pawitr the one they worshid actually is.
Let us see what is the sharia ruling in this case. Allama Abdus Shakoor sahab has attested the fatwa issued by Mufti Nizamuddin Rizvi sahab. This fatwa is available freely on internet as well as has been published. Now, if you say that Allama Abdus shakoor sahab has retracted from this fatwa, please bring your evidence. The responsibility of bringing the evidence is upon you because Allama Abuds shakoor sahab's attestation has been published. You ask me to "ask" Mufti Miraj and Mufti Shamsul Huda... but you don't accept when I said that Allama Abdus shakoor sahab was spoken directly on phone. Why should I ask them, when the person concerned was spoken to directly? So let us leave contacting third person. You bring your evidence I will accept. Hope that should not be difficult. You bring evidence either from Allama Abdus shakoor sahab or Mufti Miraj or Mufti Shamsul Huda. In all the cases, the responsibility is upon you. Once his retraction is proven, I will make sure that it is published. If you can't prove it, make a public apology for accusing a scholar. Or one last resort, just ignore my posts. But in future do not make a claim unless you can bring an evidence. You are not the only one on this forum who makes claim but when asked to prove goes angry.And you will not be the last. Stay here and you will find many people like you. Please find the page showing Allama Abdus shakoor sahab's attestation.
For your guidance do ask --- and ---- themselves they sit in the same ---- next to ----. Thank you for your accusation. "He was spoken to directly on phone." Yes a phone trustworthy coming that from you...Rather ask the the two co workers of ---- which can retraced. Asked them also how they harass Ulama to sign and how they pressurize them. Then you will understand in what kind of situation ----- is in. I Urge everyone not to give any attention to the distraction, but read the Radd of Mufti Akhtar Raza which I shared post #403. It shows clearly how manipulative and deceptive Nizamuddin works with Shariah and Fatawa. Glorifiying the Qawl and deed of Ubaidullaah and attributing it towards the Shariah. It is a real shame lovers of Ubaid try to hide this and distract people from the real harm towards Islam, and the respect for the Deen. Wish they would have the same heart for Islam than for Nizamuddin and Ubaid. When Zaid says, it is this without any hesitation Kufr without any Ihtimaal (when in reality it has Ihtimaal), and when Ubaid says, it is glorified and every option will be looked upon (even if the Qarain are there and many reasons to qubh are there). Ram is Pawitr, and Nirala and teaching this to Kuffar in a Majlis where he is considered a god is a good deed? In this way even Laat and Uzza can be called holy and enlighting in front of Abu Jahl, on the fiction it was a historian figure who saved his girlfriend and had 100.000 girlfriends. Iblis in front of Dajjal and Masons in their monthly sessions on the fact of his past deeds. But that is not important, what is important is if ---- actually did retract. If I knew there even would be such idiots I would never even posted such an unimportant fact. To then what really is important is to protect precious Ubaid and Nizamuddin rather than the Deen and attributing it as a good deed in the court of Allah Al Mighty. Admin is there any way I can block SS from my view (he falsely accuses me and then claims that the "Shariah" orders me to do something based on a telephone call?!) Wish team nizamuddin would pressurize Ubaid and show effort to demonize his deed and Qawl. But it seems Ubaid and Ram-praising is very dear to them.
Again" we"? Do you feel insecure speaking for yourself? Deception 1: You have not proved correctness of Nagpuri fatwa. Deception 2: The point is about being" Kafir" and not about ram katha gathering. Any one can read this thread and see. But you chose to ignore the main issue, because you cannot prove it. Deception 3: Arshad al qadri makes a claim and is unable to bring evidence to support his claim. This is in case you consider him in your " we". I don't threaten. I make valid points. An example can be seen here: If you have understood something from that scan posted by Arshad al qadri, please explain here in support of your argument. Or else, if you are happy just because Mufti Akhtar Raza wrote it, then I can't do anything. Yes, you do.
yes. we are not allowed to point out your deceptions. sorry. threats and more threats. like the "whole story" and the difference between "tahseen" and "tareef" and a 100 others. I am done with your "exposes". Start as many threads as you like. I'll make sure I bypass them.
Two books were released at urs e ridawi trying to refute fatwa of Mawlana Abdul haq Khan, Mufti nizamuddin rizvi and Mufti Mutiurrehman. First by Mufti Shamsahd badayuni and second by Baharaichi baba. Both the books have been refuted. I don't like playing link-link. If any one is capable and feels confident that those two books have refuted the fatwa of the above mentioned three scholars, then please feel free to present those points here on the forum. Otherwise posting scans and links without explaining, will not be of any use. See how you are trying to deviate from the topic. The issue was the fatwa from Nagpur, which said that the person has gone outside the fold of islam and is kafir. You have failed to prove its correctness as per maslak e ala hazrat. But this is not something new from you. Just wait, when I will start a thread regarding Mufti Ghulam Mohammad Khan Qadri rh, regarding whom Mufti Akhtar Raza Khan has declared that "kufr returned on him", 13 years after his death!! When Mufti Kausar Hasan refuted Mufti Akhtar Raza, Mufti Kausar Hasan rizvi is now being called " Molvi Kausar Hasan"! Just wait . Meanwhile,if any one thinks that the Nagpuri fatwa is correct, let him present his points in simple English. I will reply. I am not responding to links . Arshad al qadri sahab: It is your shari'i responsibility to bring evidence.
jazakAllahu khayran brother. May Allah ta'ala reward you for your efforts. I really wished that someone would write a proper refutation to that deceptive "speech" and I am glad that hazrat did it himself. Some people were questioning whether hazrat had endorsed the Nagpur fatwa. His stance must now be clear to everyone. Reading those horrible words again and reading the numerous subterfuges that had been employed to mislead the listeners was very painful indeed. To think that a senior sunni mufti could stoop so low is mind boggling! My only fear now is what will those students who study under nizamuddin say to sunni muslim masses, especially the youth, once they graduate from Ashrafiya. Will they too tell in jumuah khutbas that, "gandhi and nehru did jihad", "ram did jihad", "the shariah does not allow muslims to question the existence of ram because his existence is proven by 'tawatur-e-hunood' which alahazrat has said is mu'tabar"? Will they, like sunnistudent, tell their congregations that ramkatha is a "function to unite hindus and muslims"? That it's a good thing to attend this gathering of kufr to spread the message of harmony? That opportunistic sadhus like morari are "manawta-wadi"? Maybe some pet students will go a step further and say, "stop fighting the hindus over babri masjid. 'Tawatur-e-Hunood' proves that it's 'ram-janm-bhoomi' and so muslims can't oppose them!" inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
He was spoken to directly on phone. He denied it. Now please bring your evidence to support your claim. Either you, your professor sahab or any Mufti whom you trust, ask him to bring an evidence. If you cannot do it, please retract and make an open apology. Let this forum not be a place where people make a claim and when asked to bring evidence they disappear.
Please feel free to ask them yourself. Ask ----- and -----, who sits next to ------ in the ----- and talked to him continuously about this matter. Even he testified this, and yes they also harass him continuously to sign the fatwa but rejected every time. ------- is an old man, very soft of heart he doesn't want a campaign against him like is done with the ones who signed the takfeer fatwa. I urge people not to go into zatiyyat or try to hide corruption. In islam we dont change or soften rules because he or she is a friend or a close one, like in the case of ubaid in which his kalam and deeds were praised into the heaven by nizamuddin and kufr was returned towards the Ulama?!. Please read the book of Huzur Taajush Shariah, it will elucidate this very thoroughly. Again I urge everyone to read the radd of Azhari Mian. DjazakAllah. Don't be distracted in a baseless debate if one did Ruju or not, Haqq stands upon its own, which is that even though one has igtilaf about the feel and kalam of ubaid, there is no question in its haram being and harm for islam and future generation. The fatwa which supports and does tahseen of Ubaids deed and qawl is a corrupt one and Iftiraa upon the sacred shariah and upon Allaah and His noble Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him.
i said this in post # 401 below. sunnistudent sent me a private message correcting that he has already mentioned it in another thread: and indeed he has. the error is regretted. my apologies to sunnistudent.
Arshad ul Qadri sahab,wrote on 17th April 2015. ( post no 306) And today, on 13 Jan 2016, Arshad ul Qadri sahab writes: ( post 403) Verification was done earlier itself. No such thing found. Why did you not bother about verifying in April 2015,when you made that post? Arshad sahab, Sheikh al hadith Hazrath mawlana Abdus shakur sahab was spoken to directly and he denied showing any regret for signing the fatwa. His attestation is still valid , as is publicly available. Now, it is your shari'i responsibility to bring evidence for your claim which you mentioned on 17th April 2015. Or ask that "professor" to help you. In case you both can't do this, forum is open and active for you to retract. was salam.
not at all, he is well aware. but for some reason, he decided not to mention this 'new development' in public, and kept flogging the "why did they alter the fatwa?" line.
apparently, the great 'guys who atleast substantiate their allegations' are not aware of this bit of the sequel either.
sorry for re-opening the pandora's box yet again but I think this is important. I have "heard" that ubaidullah was asked to do tawba after he was done with his urs hafidh-e-millat "speech". Can anyone confirm this? Plus I would like to know what he was asked to do tawba for? what were the words he was directed to employ? an audio proof would be best. I also wonder why he was asked to do tawba? Note that the justifications for the first 'sahih' fatwa came out in the form of an audio lecture by mufti nizam, articles by ansari (B.A) and a fatwa by mufti mutíurraHman' AFTER the alleged tawba at the 'urs. All of these people are unanimous that ubaidullah is a die-hard champion of Islam and was fearlessly defending it's 'concepts' in a gathering of hindus. SO the question is was he asked to repent for 'defending Islam'? And why have the esteemed writers failed to take note of the tawba in the articles/fatwas they subsequently published? Why did mufti mutíurraHman not inform us of this development?
your understanding is incredible. mantiq (not mantaq) is logic, 'fan e mantiq ki zabaan mein' would mean 'according to the science of logic'. you even don't know this and you are going to prove how sidi abu Hasan is wrong, subhanAllah.