Brother Abu Hasan, you wrote "the first condition is as stated in bahar e shariat. no objection on that one, and no argument concerning that." (post 29) that's why i asked this. Not much had been said about this and seemed a bit confusing to me.That doesn't mean it would be confusing to others. It appeared so to me. Would you be kind enough to elaborate a bit more on this? Jazak Allah.
Dear brother Abu Hassan and other learned brothers: there are 3 conditions necessary for a prophet. 1. he should be human. a non-human cannot be a prophet. they can be messengers [rasul], but it is necessary for a prophet to be human. check page no.10 in bahar e shariat. 2.for one to be a prophet, it is necessary that he should receive revelation [waHy] - whether it is [delivered] by an angel or he receives without any intermediary. 3. and what is the third condition? that there should be his followers too. the message of Allah ta'ala comes to him [i.e. prophet] and he [the prophet] will forward the [message] to the followers. _________________________________________________________ I feel that conditions (2) and (3) have been adequately clarified in this thread. But what about condition (1)? Questions: 1) Was Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) BASHAR (with a Body or Jism Mubarak) at the time of Khalq of Hazrat Adam (A.S) & his granting of Prophethood? 2) How do you explain above in the light of the condition (1) mentioned in bahar-e-shariat? This was a question that came to my mind, hence i decided to ask.
Nabiy means elevated, high ranked, esteemed. I don't buy that.
Brother Aqdas messaged me a few days ago regarding approaching Allama Saeed Asad Sahib and showing him this thread. I did explain i was waiting on a PDF and have asked him to do it if he can.. In the meantime Allama Sahib have made an open offer for a challenge.
Brother Isaac Amini I am earnestly sorry, kindly pardon me for another month; during rabiy'ul awwal sharif, and until 11ve sharif i won't be able to find time; therefore i won't be able to finish the pdf. however, i will try my best to finish it next month inshaAllah.
See sheikh Abu hasans replies to my questions, it's the second post on page 7 (viewing in mobile view from an iPhone)
Is there any type of Ijma on this issue (of when RasulAllah SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam were granted Nabuwah) - if so have Allama Sahib gone against it? Is it just a weak position that they hold on a Minor issue or is this a marginalised position which is against against Usul e Din?
so, here is the urdu translation of ibn hajar's quote of ashraf'ul wasail taken from jawahir al bihar (urdu) vol-3 page 276-280. in ashraf'ul wasail it is at page 32. nubuwwat kay wujub or kitabat ka matlab is ka kharij main zuhur hay wujub and kitabat of nubuwwah means its existence (or appearance) in reality (externally) i found these two and some other quotes from urdu translation of jawahir'ul bihar and verified from the originals in just few minutes. i am really perplexed that if a beginner like me can find these clear cut references then why not molana sai'eed as'ad sahab?
okay, thank you. imam ibn hajar al haitamy rahimahullah clearly states that nubuwwah started from Rasulullah alaihi afDalus salat wat-tasleem. i don't know what fatwa molana sahab will issue on him, and imam yousuf bin ismail nabhani who has considered and quoted it as perls of imam ibn hajar. there is no doubt that both of them believed that our prophet is the last prophet alihi afDalus salat wat-tasleem. in his jawahir al bihar, page 455, imam nabhani rahimahullah quotes from ibn hajar's minah al makkiyyah fi sharhi'l hamziyyah lil busiri a clear version from minah, page 322 verse 142 urdu translation from jawahir al bihar (urdu), vol-3 page 272 then in jawahir from page 457-459 imam nabhani quotes from ibn hajar's ashraf'ul wasail ila fahmi al shamail lil tirmidhi, the same argument of imam ghazali and imam subki's (rahimahumallah) answer which we have seen above in post # 10 of sidi abu Hasan from at ta'zim wa'l minah of imam subki see its urdu translation in next post because i cannot attach more than 10 images here.
Shaykh Abu Hasan I have no issue in replying and forwarding stuff. The problem I have is when people get aggressive in their responses and I don't want that. Posting quotes is great. However it may be beneficial to respond to the scans I posted below first. Shaykh Aqib Al Qadri I understand that Shaykh Abu Hasan is a pseudonym for online and they are great in what they do. If you aren't and want to challenge Allama Saeed Asad I can give you their number to challenge them directly. So you can get a direct response to your challenge. My intention for saying this is i do think a direct conversation would be best with them as they themselves are not 'online' as other scholars are.
Shaykh Abu Hasan I have no issue in replying and forwarding stuff. The problem I have is when people get aggressive in their responses and I don't want that. Posting quotes is great. However it may be beneficial to respond to the scans I posted below first.
actually, noori bhai has more quotes that he has shared with me. he is reluctant to post because he said he won't reply again on this thread until the PDF or if it is a translation. i think noori bhai should go ahead and post the quotes - they are rather plain and we would like to know the opinion of mawlana saeed sahib about these ulama - and whether they are sunni.
it is no excuse for citing without context (such as the shifa quote) or mentioning other quotes. wAllahu'l musta'an.
I guess the examples/reasoning they use in a debate with scholars and the examples they use with students may differ for obvious reasons. Differentiation perhaps. (I know I said I wouldn't post but just thought it may be relevant here to)