
Discussion in 'Aqidah/Kalam' started by naqshbandijamaati, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. Masha Allah brother it takes a lot of courage to accept ones error in public. May Allah reward you and raise your rank. We can all learn from each other.

    Btw I read the articles on shaykh abu bakr sirajuddeen martin lings and I can understand shaykh hamzas pov and caution.
  2. dear brothers and sisters on the SunniPort forum, as-salamu `alaykum:

    firstly, i would like to apologize for my behavior over the past few months . because i'm young and i live in an environment where i'm being constantly pressured by Wahhabis and by non-Muslims, I sometimes become more more harsh and rash in my statements. For this, I humbly ask your forgiveness

    secondly, as for my position vis a vis Sidi Hamza Yusuf and that fitnah-making thread of mine, I fully retract anything and everything I said in that thread. I now realize the lack of wisdom in even creating such a thread and although I realized that the Zaytuna Institute does have a lot of mistakes, it was unwise of me to jump to conclusions and make overly harsh statements like I did in that thread

    Again, I am very sorry for anything that may have caused you anger, distress, or grief.

    Wassalam alaykum

    your madani brother,
    abu abbas al-ridawi
  3. -------------------
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
  4. see later post
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
  5. if i said anything wrong, i sincerely repent to my Lord jalla jalalahu and if you find that any of my posts in general on this forum are against the beliefs of ahl`e sunnah, please delete them immediately and inform me to repent immediately and i will without any hesitation.
  6. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    Why dont you post in the correct section. This stupid thread belongs in the bickering section.

    abu abbas you have already posted such similar threads and topics on SunniTalk and other forums all over the net, and have been posting them for months. Do you really have to post all of it again on our site? And until what time in the future will you keep posting this nonsense?

    We can all visit SunniTalk, Islam786, Marifah etc and take a look at your threads over there. This is a WARNING to you.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
  8. Could I please ask the admin to lock this thread?
  9. kattarsunni2

    kattarsunni2 Guest

    I think this article should be explained to me how it fits into Sunni Orthodoxy because i'am too thick to understand. May Allah reward the one who shows me its contents to be from the way of Ahl alSunnah:

    The relevant article is on page 53. On page 55 the 'thorny' issue of perennialism is brought up. I do not understand how Martin Lings view is not kufr?
  10. I was told by a dear respected brother, who is a talib al-`ilm, that the four madhabs agree upon the point that the dead can hear.
  11. Interesting question, Sidi Haroon. I always thought it was an `ijma.
  12. Firstly, I believe some of my statements were more personal than it needed to be and thus, I apologize for that.

    However, I still mantain that Hamza Yusuf and the Zaytuna Institute members have committed serious errors, some of which border kufr. However, I refrain from making any judgments of kufr of any sort on any individual as takfir is a very serious matter. However, at the same note, I do make tabdi`i of them.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  13. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    Are you 100% Sure about this? Shaykh Gibril says its jumhur:

    I think he would have said there's ijma on this if he thought there was ijma on this.
  14. I think I'll rephrase my position in a more lighter, moderate fashion:

    Hamza Yusuf, and his Zaytuna institute, have made certain mistakes, some of which are extremely serious and must be addressed to Hamza Yusuf and the Zaytuna Institute members immediately along with the cooperation of the `ulema of Ahl-e-Sunnat internationally.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
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  16. Wadood

    Wadood Veteran

    He learns by looking at you KS. Haven't you figured out that yet? He was not like this until he ventured into your 'spade' for 'spade' threads on SunniTalk forums in the past. You know your behaviour back then. You don't know what you are leaving behind.

    What about a good opinion of Shaykh Hamza, KS, isn't he 'another' Muslim? even though you accuse him of being an ahl al-bid'a.
  17. As-Salamu `alaykum dear brothers & sister:

    Firstly, let me make it absolutely clear that the `ijma of Ahl us-Sunnah is that the dead can hear.

    Secondly, as for your question about Sayyida Ai`sha, she initially held that position in contrary to all the other saHaba radhi Allahu `anhum. However, Sayyida A`isha radhi Allahu `anhu later recanted from this position (as per Imam Ibn Hajar in Fath al-Bari). Thus, the agreed-upon belief of Ahl`us Sunnah is that the dead CAN HEAR and this is the `ijma of the saHaba radhi Allahu `anhum ajma`in after Sayyida Ai`sha radhi Allahu `anha recanted and in the end, Sayyida Ai`sha radhi ALlahu `anha's belief was that the dead in fact could hear.

    Thirdly, no, Sidi. Shaykh Dr. Ghufran is not my teacher nor is Shaykh Ahmad ul-Qadiri.
    Fourthly, SDI stands for Sunni Da`wat-e-Islami, which is an Indian Sunni organization founded by Hazrat`e Allama Mawlana Shakir Radhwi Noori.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2010
  18. Haroon

    Haroon Guest

    Well of course and no-one is denything this. Even Shaykh Hamza has translated the fatwa of Shaykh Murabatal Haj on the topic:

    But my point is that Shaykh Hamza is being accused of having a fasid aqidah for relaying a viewpoint even though he himself does not follow it. At the very worst you can say that he has made a mistake based upon the information he has. This certaintly doesnt mean he is an innovator or that he is spreading false beliefs or that he is an ignorant convert etc as is being claimed.
  19. kattarsunni2

    kattarsunni2 Guest

    ANYONE who gives fatwa out of the four madhabs has commited bid'a. Bid'a because he has gone against ijma'.

    That is a false allegation Sidi Wadood. I think you need to teach us practically how to have good opinion of other Muslims.
    Sidi Abu Abbas has his own mind and rationale, and we have not communicated with each other over this issue.
  20. hayaa

    hayaa Guest

    Are you trying to say that Hz Aisha said the dead cannot hear? How can that be? Why is the person who visits the graveyard asked to make salams if the dead could not hear? You are wrong in claiming that about Hz Aisha.

    If Shaikh Hamza Yusuf doesn't believe that the dead cannot hear, whats all the fuss?

    Are Gufran Sidiqi and Ahmedul Qadri your teachers? Why dont you get them to speak with Shaikh Hamza instead of writing about them on the Internet?

    By the way, whats SDI? It sounds like an abbreviation for a disease:p
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