Cult Mind Control

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Unbeknown, Mar 20, 2023.

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  1. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    a cult:

    1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

    2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers:
    the physical fitness cult.

    3. the object of such devotion.

    4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

    5. Sociology. a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

    6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

    7. the members of such a religion or sect.

    8. any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.
    which and why?
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  2. themuj4h1d

    themuj4h1d New Member

    "Hamza Yusuf is the general of the Mahdi"

    Source please.

    "Sh Sabuni says he is western agent"

    Source please.

    You are so concerned with sources but haven't provided any for the above. You even suggested the latter was unconfirmed but yet chose to spread it on a public forum.

    As for the rest, nothing proves that it is a cult. I'm not here to discuss politics and opinions on other Shuyukh. I'm quite happy with the transparency of SKT Welfare too. I have personally witnessed first hand the amazing work this charity is doing. Sadly, we live in times where people will always say negative things.

    Whether you people like it or not, this forum and its members can be considered a cult.
  3. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    here is a question you can ask sh.yaqubi himself:

    what is the value of hadith authorisation given to the small child of 5-6 years, and under what conditions will it be considered continuous?
    Nur al Anwar likes this.
  4. Aqib alQadri

    Aqib alQadri Veteran

    sadly, our memories are short lived.
    not very long ago we had the charlatan Tahir Minhaaji getting a huge number of endorsements from "scholars" - even the so-called "awliyaa" of various sufi centers (gaddees). just because he was getting famous day by day, had Nawaz Shareef behind him in the mid 80's, and people could also join his political circus, and take photos along with him.

    when the time of refutation came, Allah guided many of the scholars, whilst many of his blind followers kept on reproducing the same "endorsements" for the "man of the time" - all the time claiming - "you mean so & so scholar, so & so wali is wrong about him?"

    so endorsements, in this age, don't count much. some dumb idiots still call the murtadd Tahir a mujaddid.
    what matters is steadfastness on principles of Deen, and Taqwa; not the number of endorsements or the number of "likes" on Facebook.
    finally we cannot expect all our scholars to have farsightedness or know the future; scholars have the right to give an opinion based on the circumstances, and then change it when truth comes to light.
    PS: I am not comparing Sh. Yaqoubi to the fitna of Tahir Minhaaaji.
  5. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    wait a minute. suppose mawlana sirajuddin raHimahullah said it, and sh.yaqubi is reporting it faithfully.

    what does that prove?

    does it mean that sh.yaqubi has absolute clearance to do and say whatever he wants without any question? what is the meaning of a cult then?

    the same goes for all other shuyukh mentioned (those who are still with us). do they know what sh.yaqubi does? or are they simply praising him based on his esteemed father's reputation and that he is a sayyid?

    besides, does that mean you claim ismah for shaykh yaqubi - and that whatever he does is beyond reproach and THE standard?

    now, the statement: "man of his time" could mean that it was a prayer by a great man. it doesn't have to be a statement of fact. many times great men say things like: 'i see great promise in him' for small children; but that doesn't mean anything UNLESS the child grows up to be a truly great man whence we say that he has attained the barakah of the great man's dua.

    handsome is that handsome does. wali is that wali does.

    Allah ta'ala knows best.
    Nur al Anwar likes this.
  6. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    Yes, and Yaqoubi Sahib himself went to Cairo in 2011 to meet with Wahabis and to plan the revolution in Syria. Yaqoubi Sahib has met and signed agreements with Wahabis like Adnan Arour. This is one of the reasons Mufti Ali Goma and other Azhari shaykhs are upset with him, as well as his anti Shakh Buti stance. Did that go unnoticed for you?

    Or what about Yaqoubi Sahib advising British Military Thinktanks like RUSI? Did you miss that?

    So while his fellow countrymen are in tents after they protested because people like him told them to do so, he is living in luxury, in hotels and his 'Alhambra roof' house. Great revolution. In the meantime the Wahabis have taken half the country. Alongside this the horrendous slander of Shaykh Buti who was right all along.

    Now brother themuj4h1d you claim you are not a cult member and are 'objective'. I would want to ask you what you make of Yaqoubi Sahib sayin the campaign of invading Iraq was beneficial for the Muslims?

    Or him calling for the bombing of Syria? He was upset at the Labour party earlier this uear when they voted against it. He must be pleased at the Conservatives now..
  7. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    So you want us to blindly accept that that Sh Siraj alDin said that Yaqoubi Sahib 'is man of the age' without verification? Even though Yaqoubi Sahib has never met the Shaykh when he was alive and he is alone in narrating this. Add to this the vicious lie that Sh Shukri was not licensed by Sayyid Hashmi.

    Add to this that Yaqoubi Sahib believes Akram to be an amazing scholar!!

    This is not similar to the Awliya of the past. When people praised Imam Abu Hanifah they did so openly. The Imam didn't tell people alone that such and such praised me!! What intellect are you people using?
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  8. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    The Caliph Umar (Allah be pleased with him) was once delivering a sermon the pulpit when someone interrupted him and asked 'Where did you get that shirt from?' Th Caliph pointed out who the person bought him the shirt and that it was not from the treasury.

    This is the level of transparency we need from those who take our charity money.
    Ghulam Ali likes this.
  9. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    @themuj4h1d You said in an earlier post:

    When I asked you the source of Yaqoubi Sahibs income you said:
    I will answer your questions: it concerns me with any shaykh who claims to be 'imam of the east and west', or is the only source for the quote that 'he is man of the time', or whose murids have claimed he could be Mahdi. Or he himself claimed that Hamza Yusuf is the 'general of the Mahdi'. It also concerns people on an open forum who want to know in case they want to join his group. It also concerns us because Imam Sharani says always check the source of income of any one who you want to take spirituality from. It also concerns us because people we know may want to join the group but will decide otherwise if they knew the source of income. It concerns us all because some of us have donated money to SKT and to the zawiya which hasn't been opened to this day. Imam Sharani says a sufi shaykh who lives off his murids his murids are greater awliya than him.

    This is not specific to Yaqoubi Sahib. It is for all sufi group leaders and leaders generally.
    Haqbahu likes this.
  10. themuj4h1d

    themuj4h1d New Member

    I don't know? Maybe the source is Shaykh Abul Huda himself. And so what? Are you saying he's a liar? If so, you can apply the same suspicion to every wali that existed and made a claim.

    As for the other Shuyukh, I didn't mention them, you did. So I can't comment. The Rifai brothers, regardless of what Shaykh Abul Huda says, are heavily involved with the Syrian Islamic Council. Check them out - basically a salafi-ikhwani outfit and its not hidden.

    As for the source of income - why does it concern you so much with Shaykh Abul Huda that it doesn't concern you with other ulema? What if there are wealthy people who support the Shaykh out of their love for him? Is that a sin? Like I said my brother is in the Tariqa and if you're implying that Murids are "forced" to part with their wealth to support their Shaykh, you're so wrong. If you're on the other hand implying the west is funding the Shaykh, you're no different to these jihadis who say the same about anyone who disagrees with their world view. Bring the proof or have a good opinion.
  11. Unbeknown

    Unbeknown Senior Moderator

    whoa! I missed it last time. he says it around 14:00 mins. "on many occasions these campaigns were for the benefit of the muslims"!

    that line alone is enough to earn him the label of "western agent". since when did the imperialists become so benevolent?
  12. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    None of my questions have been answered on a previous thread. Lets see how well you can answer?

    1 What is the source for Shaykh Abdullah Siraj alDin saying Yaqoubi Sahib is 'man of the time'.

    2 Where has Sh Sabuni endorsed Yaqoubi? I know they appeared on a news show together. But Sh Sabouni was indifferent and recently someone has told me he called him 'a western agent'. Not that Sh Sabuni's opinion matters to me.

    3 No one cares what Sh Kabbani has to say, but I haven't heard him endorse Yaqoubi Sahib. Even if he does, such people think Prince Charles is Ahl alBayt and kiss his hand.

    4 Usama Rifai and Sariya Rifai are considered 'Ikhwanis' by Yaqoubi Sahib himself. I've not heard them endorse him as a spiritual guide.

    @themuj4h1d What is Sh Yaqoubi's source of income as he is currently in exile? If it is not a cult they will be very open about that.

    In this BBC interview the woman describes his house ceiling 'like the Alhambra'.

    So I want to know where the money is from?

    In this lecture he says words to the effect that the invasion of Iraq was beneficial for Iraqis?

    What do you think about that?

    I can take this discussion bit a time with you...
  13. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

  14. AbdalQadir

    AbdalQadir time to move along! will check pm's.

    he's a dajjal and his endorsement would only count in the negative
  15. abu Hasan

    abu Hasan Administrator

    but do they know of everything shaykh yaqubi does? that he will not distance from a person who speaks, quotes approvingly of a blasphemer of the prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam? that the same person is a perennialist? that sh.yaqubi praises and commends an outright wahabi (nadawi) whose ignorance is put to show in the middle of the marketplace? that he used the hadith of muslim's honour higher than the kabah, in what could be perceived as condolence of the scoundrels of charlie hebdo who were killed on the 9th of jan 2015?

    i received a message on the 10th of jan by a brother whom i trust that shaykh abu'l huda tweeted thus, after the killing of CH blasphemers:

    "We r united against terrorism; nothing justifies killing innocent people; it is is a crime which must be denounced.

    No insult to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is worse than killing innocent people by his Name. He said, human life is more precious than the Ka'ba

    We are in sympathy with the French people against terrorism."
    sub'HanAllah, that last one is enough - sh. yaqubi's conduct was not very laudable in that episode.

    just close your eyes and imagine - if yaqubi just kept quiet instead of saying something, do you think the next day NYT, WSJ, Fox, BBC, guardian etc. would run headlines in black bands:







    come on, get real.

    if you don't have the courage to take a stand and sacrifice yourself, your honour, your prestige, your wealth, everything of value and your prized possessions for the sake of the honour of the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam, then at least keep quiet.

    sh.yaqubi retweeted:

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
    Aqdas, Nur al Anwar and Haqbahu like this.
  16. themuj4h1d

    themuj4h1d New Member

    Moriarty you haven't answered any of my questions.

    Name dropping of people you don't know doesn't increase reliability - perhaps you are right. But neither does posting on sunniport behind an alias? The former is surely more credible than what you are presenting. Any outsider reading this forum (like me for example) can see that.

    Please answer my questions.
  17. Moriarty

    Moriarty Veteran

    Name dropping of people we don't know doesn't increase reliability.

    I trust the scale and measuring methods of Imam Sharani. When discussing cults there are many points to go through and many questions that must be answered. When it comes to sufis and discerning fakes from real we ask the authorities of that field. Imam Sharani wrote a simple guide for people. When analysing any claimants I simply use that as a guide. Any serious person will bother reading such things before joining a group or if inside a group. If a person cannot read Arabic they can have someone translate it for them. How will you know someone is brainwashed in a sufi cult? If they refuse to read such books even if they are written by masters. Here is the link to the book:
    Harris786 likes this.
  18. Sunni By Nature

    Sunni By Nature Active Member

    There are many scholars including Shaykh Muhammad Ali al-Sabouni, Shaykh Usama al-Rifa`i, Shaykh Sariya al-Rifa`i, Shaykh Ibrahim al-Ahsai, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Shaykh Mohammed Krayyim Rajeh, Shaykh Dr. Mohammed Rateb al-Nabulsi and Shaykh Mahmoud al-Hout
  19. themuj4h1d

    themuj4h1d New Member


    My brother is in Shaykh Yaqoubi's Tariqa, and has been for many years, and I have investigated it too, thoroughly. I find everything you say to be false. Surely if you've come across a few Murids who have changed and become "weird", you can't generalise for the whole Tariqa? Be fair. And please provide proof they are a mind control group?

    What is the transparency about money you wish to know about? I can try and answer that if you ask your question here?

    As for claims to miracles and dreams, all shuyukh have such miracles and dreams; to pass them off as claims is su al-dhann; I have met shuyukh independent of the Tariqa from around the world who testify to the rank of Shaykh Abul Huda, let alone Shaam itself, and it's elders. Shaykh Shukri for one, may Allah have mercy on him, and Shaykh Fatih al Kittani, and Shaykh Shaghuri, Allah show him mercy.

    I personally know of a few brothers who have also left the Tariqa, amicably and have no guilt or animosity - have simply moved on to another Shaykh or found another path to be better for them. I have personally not experienced any pressure to join the Tariqa either.

    Anyway; I feel you're being grossly unfair and you should provide some substance to what you've written.
  20. kaydani1

    kaydani1 Active Member

    Unfortunately, today Suluk can be brought at every pseudo Sufi cult's doorstep.

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