Didn't take long for that YouTube account to get shut down, must have touched a nerve for the mureed mafia to act so quickly. Good thing someone had downloaded a copy and forwarded it onto me.
I am also surprised why mashadi sahab's camp is quite and not shouting ghustakhi or answering to shia's press conference. kilab un naar have openly, in front of the press, rejected the sahabiyat and khlifat e rashidah of the three companions raDiyAllahu anhum, and denied that Zainab, Ruqayyah, and Umm Kulthoom radiyAllahu anhunna were prophet's daughters alihi salatu wat tasleem.
Ulama of his own campa should file a FIR of 295c voilation and issue a fatwa e kufr on him as per his own usul because he has pronounced the very exact words for Umm al Mumineen, and Allahmah Ashraf ul Qadri sahab too has used the same word without any qualification while he was objecting on jalali sahab's statement.
Does anyone have any info if any delegation of scholars contacted Irfan Shah sahib re his allegations of kufr and out of Ahlus Sunnah on Jalali, the same way some scholars were enthusiastic to visit Jalali? I would expect scholars to think of Irfan Shah (if not the rest of that crew) well enough to perhaps at least hope for a rujoo3 from the bogus hukm. He can still maintain Jalali had bad adab but the fatwa itself is bogus. What abt if Irfan Shah and Muzaffar Shah sahib have been impacted by Muhaddithe Kabeer and other Barelwi scholars' statements- any info?
Jalili Sahibs father becomes tearful whilst hearing on stage of the shameful behaviour of his former student Irfan shah who made vile allegations upon him and his deceased wife (may Allah Almighty have mercy on her)
Seems like Irfan Shah has been caught out by his own methods. If I was a betting man I'd wager Raja Nabeel of Coventry won't be posting any 30 points against his Pir e Tareeqat Garbar e Shariat
Both Sayyid Tabbasum Shah Bukhari and Mufti Fazl Chishti have independently provided a detailed analysis of Tajdar-e-Golra's tasfia. Both tabsara videos are worth watching.
Mufti Sammar Abbas Attari exposing anti-Jalali camp and highlighting the issues that we have been discussing so hotly here. He lays to waste many of Mawlana Nabeel Afzal's defence. He also reveals how many of the so called 100+ fatwa signatories actually declined to sign or are now actively regretting being part of the circus.
actually that point is simply preposterous. khata in urdu/punjabi means error even in general understanding of people. what's the commonly used word in urdu/punjabi when you do an innocent mistake that has nothing to do with crimes or sins, like forgetting to wear a jacket on cold day, or getting some direction wrong and taking a right turn instead of left turn? in Arabic, istilahi meanings aside, even in common parlance it refers to unintentional errors and the connotations are even milder, to the best of my knowledge. no one even thinks of sin or crime. if your child doesn't use his toothbrush properly, you say he's doing a khata. try taking this matter to an Arab Ash3ari or Maturidi shaykh and ask him the toughest opinion of the fuqahaa on Dr. Jalali's utterance. besides, he didn't use the word khata unrestrictedly. he qualified it with "jis waqt maang rahi theen" even in the initial video, which means the khata is restricted to the action of asking. whether the event itself took place or not, or the strength of the sanad, and so on are beyond the point. even if the sanad is weak, the usage of khata is only restricted to the act of asking fadak in the context of the speaker's speech. so it can't possibly imply sin or crime given the overall context.
Conducting sting using telephone call has now become latest fashion. Unsuspecting ulemas are called, confronted with loaded questions and recorded without permission.
I did not post the call, i just commented. people from both sides are calling ulama and trying to get answers to their interest. Ulama should be careful speaking over the phone on critical/disputed/hot issues, and if they do speak, there should be one answer whether in private or in public or on phone calls.
ممتاز الفقھا جانشین حضور صدرالشریعہ سلطان الاساتذہ امیر المؤمنین فی الحدیث محدث کبیر حضرت علامہ الشاہ مفتی ضیاء المصطفی صاحب قبلہ مدظلہ العالی سے کی گئی ٹیلیفونی گفتگو کو *بغیر اجازت نشر کرنے پر حضور محدث کبیر مد ظلہ العالی کا مسلمانان عالم کے نام ایک *اہم پیغام*
The questioner is trying his best to get an answer against jalali sahab, and not presenting full context of the arguments.