ashrafiya's website lists ubaidullah khan azmi as a member of it's advisory committee: though azhari miyan's name appears in the list, it doesn't mention him as a member.
The more I think about it the more improbable it seems. This fatwa from ashrafiya and the signatures. I refuse to believe that no foul play has taken place in the process of getting this fatwa signed and issued. do not forget that Sayyiduna Dhun Nurayn's (raDiyallahu 'anhu) seal had been stolen and misused by none other than a trusted aide and a relative at that. Allah ta'ala knows best.
and THAT is EXACTLY what I understood from it. because I know that was the first time UKA's name was brought up on the forum.
at least the mods/admins of this forum, for others i don't know 'diloN ka hal'. but i do trust your words, and other mods will not have any issue with it, i am sure.
in this thread i said: and THAT thread is EXACTLY what i was referring to when i said it. post #48 (dated nov 2, 2014) of the linked thread is the point in my life when inquisitive introduced this ubaidullah character. i have no idea if i might have read his name in passing in a paper or something, but the honest to God truth is that that is the time i consciously knew this character exists i challenge anyone to show me where i have mentioned this character before that thread, be it positively or negatively. in this thread, i said "a few days back" but that's my non-cognizance of how fast time flies! i was referring to that thread. as for this thread, i will come back to it.
i noticed it, but i think AQ can explain better, but apparently his statement in this thread is not correct. he might have forgotten. i can admit that i superficially saw the posts in that thread when it was active but i don't remember reading about UKA. but, AQ was active in that thread and here too. so he should explain.
Hmmmm Janaab AQ was also active in that thread.. But in this thread he said; ...... Seems like UKA is known or has been heard of in the past, especially by someone who is aware of the current issues at mubarakpur.
oops! seems the ahsrafiya fatwa too has multiple versions! where exactly is the phrase 'with these words'? point no and line no please. see? we too know how to use red-lines
ss posts: #129 was at 12:34 am IST #156 was at 4:32 am IST it seems sunnistudent has been up all night. And yet he has come up with nothing substantial. he has been running after chimeras. the sooner he realises this the better. yes, and he had said: at that time I really believed him that he did not know much about ubaid. But now, seeing his defence of ashrafiya fatwa and knowing how well-known ubaid is to all who have any connection to ashrafiya I seriously doubt that he was as clueless as he appeared. he also wrote this: seems like ss only knows to deal in threats. Tajushshariah and Muhaddith e kabeer have done their duty by the sunni awaam and came out clean. The "Pandora's box" has burst and , ironically, it is sunnistudent himself who got whacked by the flying debris! ALL PRAISE IS DUE TO ALLAH, RABBIL 'AALMEEN. Ram has no share in it!
for other brothers watching this thread, i did a search on SS posts and found this, therefore it seems that UKA has been an issue for some time.
oh dear! he will not, he already has decided that this fatwa-editing is forgery, and he won't tell the story he knows until we tell him that how did this forgery happen with precise chronology. he should not, and i cannot talk to a mad man. pardon me if i have made another discrepency or forgery in this post, because i will not respond to you any further, and i am thankful to you that you already have declared that you won't continue any further.
Sunnistudent: let us put aside the authenticity of the fatawa for now and just concentrate on UKA's words. No more discussion please on forgeries and authenticity and erased and signatures. Please only discuss UKA's words and actions and let us assume the contentious fatawa don't exist. Their authenticity can be discussed elsewhere at a later stage.