هذا من لغة المتكلمون والفلاسفة (القول في الاختصاص للنبي ﷺ)قال الجرجاني:والبعض أي الاطلاع على البعض لا يختص به أي: بالنبي ﷺشرح المواقفأو:وإن أرادوا به الاطلاع على بعضها فلا يكون ذلك خاصة النبي ﷺ . إذ ما من احد إلا ويجوز أن يطلع على بعض الغائباتمطالع الأنوار— أبو يوسف (@truthunveilled) May 13, 2023 The Barelvis are under attack with hardly any replies
It seems the backlash Hasan Ali got and the critcism of his kufri madhab has triggered a chain response from Deobandis A Thread On Barelviyat and their beleifs, Abuses, TAKFEER.— Ahnaaf Services (@AhnaafServices) May 13, 2023
This Deobandi khabith is at it again, can someone drop a thread on his head? I guess we can agree to disagree?https://t.co/ErmthTfT77— Hamzah wald Maqbul (@hwmaqbul) May 12, 2023
this guy is a shameless donkey. his akabireen made their kufr donkey statement precisely because they thought everything is shirk, and were imagining it existed everywhere, even in a normal Muslim's namaz! he's just outed devbandis as closet wahabis!
I would recommend posting screenshots instead of direct links to Twitter since these Devbandis are notorious for deleting their tweets
Disrespect of Rasūlullāhﷺ is Kufr & whoever doesn't consider it Kufr is also a Kāfir.The problem is the UK/Desī green party obsessive misgiving that everything is blasphemous disrespect, just like every Wahhābi thinks everything is Shirk.Both lines, when crossed, are kufr. https://t.co/PdQcAwcj26— Hamzah wald Maqbul (@hwmaqbul) May 12, 2023
Hamza Maqbul, the Deobandit who said the Donkey Statement is an “idea which is universally accepted”, throws his hat in. This is not clear to me at all.It can be inferred from the wording, but so can other than it.Significant preachers claim anyone who doesn't believe that Rasūlullāh ﷺ is Mukhtār-ī-Kull, lit. omnipotent, has denigrated him ﷺ & is a Kāfir. It is disingenuous to ignore that. https://t.co/pmhuoPHTCF— Hamzah wald Maqbul (@hwmaqbul) May 11, 2023
brother, his wahabi overlords also cited Hazrat Abu Bakr's radi Allahu 3anhu quote: من كان يعبد محمدًا، فإن محمدًا قد مات، ومن كان يعبد الله، فإن الله حيّ لا يموت Please add the sharh and the context of that to the same thread, especially hazrat Abu Bakr's kissing the Prophet 3alaihis salam and the fiqhi permission extracted from this to kiss one's deceased near and dear ones.
i made a follow up post so the person is bent upon proving that he has a disease in his heart. he cites another hadith - in an attempt to rein what he sees as "exaggerated praise" and "love". let us look at this hadith and a good opportunity to demonstrate sleight of hand of heretics. https://t.co/aG8AHwelTk— abu.hasan (@ridawipress) May 11, 2023
When Muadh رض came from Syria, he prostrated to the Prophet ﷺ who said,❝What is this, O Muadh? He said I went to Syria and saw them prostrating to their archbishops & patriarchs, & I wanted to do that for you. The Prophet ﷺ said, Do not do that...❞ (Ibn Majah - Sahih)— Shaykh Hasan Ali (@shaykhhasanali) May 9, 2023
i encourage bros to follow my thread. for a long time i alwasy wanted to refute this. am typing it online - if a brother can jsut start another thread and post all those tweets as a post, it will be in one place.
Have you seen any explicit verse in the Qur'an that says that our "love" for Allah should be more than our love for the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)? Any hadith? Ask wahhabis to bring the proof. That Hasan Ali was just gaslighting without any textual proof.
I've seen wahabis claim that our love for Allah should be more than our love for the Prophet( sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam). What is the sunni response to that? I personally don't think we make these distinctions when it comes to loving and obeying Allah and His Messenger( sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam). For example, we don't say we should obey Allah more than we obey the Prophet ( sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) because obeying the Prophet is in reality obeying Allah, and making such distinctions would lead us nowhere.