Usul al-Hadith
Principles of Hadith, Knowledge of Narrators, etc.
Book Release : Hadith Principles by Imam Sayyid Sharif Ali Al-Jurjani
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The Science of Hadith is an integral component of the Islamic scholarly tradition - one that Muslims should be immensely proud of. It is emblematic of the intellectual richness that Islam offers to the world.
Hadith Studies is a meticulous discipline that strives to critically authenticate accounts and reports, tracing them to their sources, as accurately as possible - whether to the Prophet Muhammad (صل الله عليه وسلم) or any other prominent religious figure - with the utmost diligence, precision, and neutrality. It’s rigor is unparalleled in the annals of historical reporting.
Despite its significance, the science of hadith remains largely unknown among the Muslim laity. Even those who study it, often learn it...
Hadith Studies is a meticulous discipline that strives to critically authenticate accounts and reports, tracing them to their sources, as accurately as possible - whether to the Prophet Muhammad (صل الله عليه وسلم) or any other prominent religious figure - with the utmost diligence, precision, and neutrality. It’s rigor is unparalleled in the annals of historical reporting.
Despite its significance, the science of hadith remains largely unknown among the Muslim laity. Even those who study it, often learn it...
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