Book Release: Who is Alahazrat?
“Praised be Allah ta’ala for the immense favour of giving us this man of knowledge, a practicing scholar, meritorious, righteous, praiseworthy, virtuous; a living example of the maxim: “How much our elders ceded for their successors [to complete]“, peerless in his time, unique in his era, Mawlana Shaykh Ahmed Rida – may Allah ta’ala vouchsafe him and keep him to crush the impuissant arguments of heretics by the force of Qur’an and Hadith.
And why not! The scholars of Makkah bear testimony [to his greatness] and if he were not so distinguished, they would not have accorded him such respect. Rather, I say, if we hail him as the Reviver of this century, it would be just and truth: Nay, it is not difficult for Allah ta’ala / To gather a world within an individual.May Allah ta’ala reward him, and give him an immense reward on behalf of this religion and its adherents; and may Allah ta’ala bestow upon him bounties and His pleasure by His Grace and Mercy.”
- Shaykh Sayyid Ismayil Khalil (Custodian of the Library of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, 1323AH) -
Book Release : Bad' al-Amali - English Translation
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Bad' al-Amali is a didactic ode written by Imam Sirajuddin Ali al-Ushi (d.575 AH), primarily for beginners and students of theology. It outlines the creed of Ahlu's Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah in a poem that is succint, comprehensive and surprisingly easy to memorise. Many commentaries have been written on this famous poem, which is a sign of acceptance in scholarly circles, among which the one by Mulla Ali al-Qari and Ibn Jama'ah are most well-known.
In this day and age when corruption is rampant and strife is rife, and muslim laymen, for the most part, are unaware of the correct beliefs of Islam regarding Allah and His Messengers, it is incumbent to understand important articles of faith as described in this book.
This current translation of the ode in plain and simple English, accompanied with... -
QuickRef: 50 Essential Islamic Beliefs
Ridawi Press Booklet Release :
This is a quick reference of 50 essential beliefs mentioned by Shaykh Asrar in a talk here.
This is based on Imam Ibrahim al-Bajuri’s short epistle for students of kalam to know those attributes essential and impossible for Allah ta’ala; and attributes essential and impossible for His prophets alayhimu’s salatu wa’s salam.
Download here. -
Infographic: The Preface of Fatawa Ridawiyyah Explained
Ridawi Press : Infographic Release
The Preface of Fatawa Ridawiyyah Explained
Alahazrat's magnum opus, Fatawa Ridawiyyah begins with a beautiful preface. The opening praise of Allah ta'ala and blessings upon the Prophet sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam [hamd and salawat] are both composed using the names of books, imams and appellations. This infographic lists the names, along with the authors of books mentioned, a mapped color coded translation will in sha Allah help us appreciate the eloquence and brilliance of this masterpiece. subHan Allah !
Low Resolution - Translation Colour (~10 MB)
Low Resolution - Translation Mono (~10 MB)
High Resolution - Translation Colour (~28 MB)
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